Our Top Four Coin Storage Tips

If you’re a long time reader of this blog you probably know we’re passionate about storing your coin collection safely. It would be devastating to put a valuable coin collection away for long term storage only to have it damaged and de-valued by the very packaging it is stored in. While that might sound fanciful, it’s not, we know of more than one collection worth thousands of dollars that has been reduced to a small fraction of it’s value by poor storage.

So, we’ve got 4 things you can do RIGHT NOW that will improve way you’re storing your coins and ensure they remain pristine for as long as possible.

Tip 1 – Kick PVC Out of your Coin Collection

This is our NUMBER ONE tip, get ALL the PVC out of your coin collection. The two most obvious sources of this are PVC coin album pages and PVC coin albums. Use an archival safe coin page made from polypropylene and make sure it’s in an archival safe folder. There’s no point putting your coins in polypropylene pages in a PVC Album!

The other HIDDEN source of PVC in your collection is PVC packaging that coins, NCLT coin sets, and PNCs sometimes come in. ALWAYS make sure that the packaging is NOT PVC, and if it is get it away from your coins. In our case we put PVC packaging in food-grade polyethylene ziploc bags along with a note of what item they belong to. And we store them AWAY from our coins.

Cardboatd 2×2 Coin Holder -staple type

Tip 2 – Use SAFLIPs NOT Cardboard 2×2’s

Cardboard 2×2’s are still the most common choice for coin storage. The trouble with them is:

  1. They often contain cardboard dust which can get on the surface of your coin and might cause it to tone
  2. The windows in 2×2’s are sometimes permeable to gasses and can lead to toning.
  3. Staple 2×2’s use (obviously) staples to hold them closed, do you really want pointy scratchy metal things around your coins when you are holdering them or removing them from their holders? No, we don’t either.
  4. Self-adhesive 2×2’s don’t remain adhesive forever and you’re almost certainly going to end up with coins stuck to holders and residue on your coins.

SAFLIPs don’t suffer from any of these issues. They are not perfect but they are certainly a much better solution than cardboard 2×2’s.

Tip 3 – Remember Moisture Absorption

If you live in a humid environment then moisture can be a real problem especially with copper or bronze coins. Excess humidity can cause your bright red bronze penny to tone to a dark colour and depreciate the value of the coin accordingly. Always make sure to use silica moisture absorbers where you store your coins. You can buy these from eBay, find them in shoe boxes, or even just use disposable nappies (unused of course). Make sure to change whatever it is that you use regularly.

PCGS Slabs en masse!

Tip 4 – Get Valuable Items Graded

Even if you store your coins in albums and SAFLIPs they are still somewhat vulnerable to mechanical damage or even liquid spillages. If you’ve got valuable items you want to protect as well as possible then get those coins graded by a reputable third party grading company like PCGS or NGC. They’ll holder your coin in a hard plastic container that will provide excellent protection from drops and knocks. It’ll also protect the coin from small spills and splashes. However, it’s not going to turn your favourite item into the coin equivalent of Iron Man, the holders may not be air tight and will still break if you hit them with hammer and burn if you set fire to them.


These four tips can be acted on quickly and will help you maintain your coin collection for a long time in the same condition that you bought it in! We encourage you to re-read what we’ve written and ACT on the tips we’ve given you.

Posted in Collecting Coins, Storing Your Coin Collection

2018 Adelaide Coin and Banknote Expo Show Report

It’s been a week since the 2018 Adelaide Coin and Banknote Expo and we think we’ve recovered enough to actually write a report on the Expo. Firstly, we’ve got to say wow! Secondly, we’ve got to say WOW! The first 4 hours on Saturday of the Expo at the Torrens Parade Grounds in Adelaide was simply the busiest time at an Australian coin show we’ve ever attended as either a dealer or collector. We had people trying to get in well before the opening time of 10am and when the doors opened at 10 there was an avalanche of collectors, those with an interest in history, and people wanting to get their collections valued. We had three tables at the show and it’s with little exaggeration that we say the time from 10am to closing at 5pm on Saturday passed in a flash. It’s the first time as dealers we simply did not have time to look around other dealer’s tables looking for interesting items or bargains.

The Door of the Torrens Parade Grounds

We thought perhaps we were imagining how busy it was but dinner on Saturday night with other dealers had them telling us the same thing! There were a lot of smiles and enthusiasm from them and delight at how well attended the Expo was. All we can say is kudos must go to Richard Welling of Ye Olde Coin Co. for doing such a fabulous job promoting and organising the Expo. Thanks must also go to the hard working members of Numismatic Society of South Australia who helped setup the tables prior to the Expo, staffed the welcome table, and then helped pack the whole lot up when it was done.

The Calm Before the Storm

Sunday was not as busy as Saturday, but again the time between 10am and closing at 4pm flew by and before we knew it we were packing up our table and heading home. Highlight of the Expo for us was the lovely people we got to meet during each day. It’s always amazing to be able to talk to our fellow collectors about common interests, to see amazing errors, and to get to look through collections for the first time. The author’s favourite find of the show was this tiny little Nelson Centenary Medallet.

Click image to enlarge

Thanks must go to all the people who attended the Expo. Also we must commend the dealers who travelled distances long and short to have tables. Dealers of note included Sterling & Currency, S&T Collectables, John Watson, At the Toss of a Coin, Ye Olde Coin Co., The Purple Penny, Edlins, Comm Coinage, and Downies. For a full list of dealers who attended (and a picture of their tables) take a look at the Adelaide Coin Expo Facebook page. Like and follow the page to keep up with all the news for the 2019 Expo, surely bigger and better!

That’s all we’ve got for this year. Bring on 2019!

Posted in Coin News

2018 Adelaide Coin Show Weekend 17th and 18th November Buying and Selling Free Entry

When is the Adelaide Coin Show this year you ask with excitement? Well make sure you’re free on November 17th and 18th because free is the word. Free entry to the coin expo, free parking at the Torrens Parade Ground, free advice on collecting from members of the Numismatic Society of South Australia and dedicated dealers some of whom have travelled interstate. Free appraisals of your coin collections, accumulations or just those few old coins you found lying in the bottom drawer. What’s better than free? We’ll give you cash for your old coins, medals, tokens, banknotes, stamps collectables, gold and silver. Or you could swap your money……..for different money! Yes, sellers will have dollars, doubles (pronounced do-bull) and denarii (just to name a few) for sale. Stop in at the show from 10am-5pm Saturday or Sunday 10am-4pm to pick up a bargain and browse the many collectable items for sale.

The Torrens Parade Ground (Hall) is located at the corner of Victoria Drive and King William Rd Adelaide City opposite Adelaide Oval. There is plenty of on-site free parking and entry is free. There is easy level access which is wheelchair friendly and assistance dogs welcome. Refreshments will be available. The expo will have show bags, a raffle and prizes. There will also be numismatic displays.

Buying and Selling Coins, Medals, Medallions, Tokens, Banknotes, Currency, Old Money, Gold, Silver, Stamps, Militaria and Collectables -it’s all here!

Posted in Coin News

2019 Dollar Coins Marked With 35 A, U or S Check Your Change and Register at Dollar Coin Discovery

Image Courtesy the Royal Australian Mint and dollardiscovery.com.au

The collecting world has been excited to find new one dollar coins in circulation with special marks.

What is this all about?

Dated 2019 some new $1 coins have been found in change that bear a tiny number 35 and marks (collectors call these privymarks) “A”, “U” or “S” in between the kangaroos on the standard 5 kangaroo design dollar coin. The Royal Australian Mint (RAM) who strike our circulating coinage have announced that these special coins have been marked to celebrate 35 years of the dollar coin and the iconic 5 kangaroo “mob of roos” design by the late Stuart Devlin.

A million of each $1 coin have been released into circulation and the Mint are calling out to collectors and treasure hunters to check their change for these specially marked coins. The Australian Dollar Discovery has its own website where you can go and register your special coin find to go into a draw to win prizes. The major prize (8 winners, one per state or territory) is a 1 kilogram pure silver coin, a trip to Canberra to strike your 1kg coin and a VIP tour of the Royal Australian Mint. Included are flights and 2 nights accommodation for 2 adults and 2 children staying at Jamala Wildlife Lodge. Second prize is one of 250 $150 Royal Australian Mint gift vouchers or third prize one of 5,000 special money boxes.

What a fantastic idea to promote the coin collecting hobby and get collectors, enthusiasts and the general public looking at their change. Happy Coin Hunting Peoples!

Posted in Collecting Coins

2018 Centenary of Armistice Circulation $2 Coin

2018 Centenary of Armistice Coloured Red Poppy $2 (image courtesy ramint.gov.au)

100 years of Remembrance will be commemorated at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month in 2018. A century to the day since the guns fell silent Australians will see a new coloured $2 coin in circulation as a tangible reminder and legacy of the fight for our nations freedom, then end of WWI and the price that we paid as a nation.

The new $2 coin features a red poppy centre with a large 100 and the date 11.11.11 designed by Tony Dean representing Armistice, the end WWI and the end to The ANZAC Centenary commemorations. Approximately 2 million coins will be released into circulation. Collector coins with a C mintmark are available for $15 in a collector card. The C mintmark mintage is 40,000.

The Royal Australian Mint are holding coin swap events for those not wanting to wait to receive a red poppy coloured coin in change. Here you can swap cash for the new coins. These are being held on November 1st at these locations:

Brisbane – Queen Street Mall, Wintergarden Area – 8 am to 2 pm
Canberra – Royal Australian Mint – 8.30 am to 2 pm
Melbourne – Southern Cross Station – 11.30 am to 7 pm
Sydney – Parramatta Centenary Square – 8 am to 2 pm

2018 Centenary of Armistice C mintmark Coloured Red Poppy $2 (image courtesy ramint.gov.au)

Posted in Coin News, Collecting Coins

2018 ANZAC Spirit 15 Coin Collection Newspaper Issue

The official 2018 ANZAC Spirit coin collection consists of 15 commemorative 20 and 50 cent coins which are available with the purchase of a News Corp newspaper* -the first coin and a collector folder is free. Subsequent coins cost $3 with a newspaper purchase (all states except WA*). This is the fourth and final newspaper coin collector set coins struck by the Royal Australian Mint and distributed by News Corp.

The “ANZAC Spirit -values that defined our nation” is the theme for this years final set in commemorating the ANZAC Centenary 2014-2018. The first coin issued either Saturday or Sunday October 27-28th (depending on where you live) is titled “United”. The final coin issued on November 11th symbolises what we remember on that day. Each coin represents a value held by Australians and those that have served in war, something we as Australians should be proud of and what we should strive to be. These values are drawn from a series of stained glass windows above the Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier at the Australian War memorial in Canberra.

The 15 coin designs are:
1.United (50 cent)-Many different nationalities, colours and creeds were united in uniform and united in cause. This design celebrates the comradeship of war.
2.Resourceful (50 cent) -Celebrates battlefield inventions such as the periscope rifle, the coin design similar to this image at the AWM.

3.Confident (20 cent) -Cool, calm and confident this image is of a WWI sniper
4.Knowledgeable (20 cent) -One outstanding Commander Sir John Monash and his study of tactics, knowledge being the key to success in the battlefield. He coordinated and planned with the hope of solving deadlock on the Western Front. This coin depicting aircraft drops of ammunition which was vital to resupply the troops.
5.Honest (20 cent) -In depicting war it was up to the correspondents and photographers to show the honest truth of war even when it was uncomfortable. This coin design depicts a camera on a tripod with official war photographer Frank Hurley.
6.Disciplined (20 cent) -In battle discipline was crucial and this coin design depicts training with Lewis machine guns in France, see the AWM image.
7.Patriotic (20 cent) -Being proud of this country and loyalty to Britain and the Commonwealth saw willing volunteers march to recruitment offices. This reverse depicts and image of the Cooee march where 263 men marched from Gilgandra NSW to Sydney in 1915. In total there were 9 recruitment marches known as the snowball marches as more men joined the march each day.

8.Devoted (50 cent) -Australian Army nurses were devoted angels to the war wounded. In a white apron and veil a nurse bandages a wounded soldier in this coin design.
9.Daring (50 cent) -The beginning of the end of the war in the middle east, the Battle of Megiddo where daring mounted light horsemen wielded bayonets as they charged in cavalry style. This coin reverse depicts the dash and daring of this mounted offensive.

10.Brave (20 cent) -The ultimate recognition for bravery in War is being awarded the Victoria Cross medal. One such recipient Corporal “Snowy” Howell is depicted in this coin design shaking hands with King George V.
11.Curious (20 cent) -Australians enlisting in the war were curious and thirsty for adventure. The design seen on this coin is the “Kulgoa” laden with new volunteers eager to see what the military could show them of the world.
12.Enduring (20 cent) -The endurance of those that landed on the shores of Gallipoli on April 25th 1915 is commemorated in this coin. Eight agonising months before their evacuation these troops had to endure the searing heat of summer, bitter cold of winter, outbreaks of disease and a monotonous diet. Following this was a further three years enduring the squalid trenches of the Western Front.
13.Loyal (20 cent) -Loyal volunteers on the home front raised money, packed food and clothing parcels, home comforts and gifts that were sent abroad to bring relief and a sense of home to soldiers.
14.Independent (20 cent) -This coin depicts an Australian Flying Corps (AFC) pilot in front of his single seater aircraft. These AFC squadrons were the first to serve independently from Britain and Australian airmen became skilled at working self-sufficiently.
15.Decisive (20 cent) -Tough hard decisions leading through the chaos of war saw the Armistice signed at 11am on November 11 1918 (11.11.11). The elation can be seen in the coin design in this decisive moment, the end of the war.

* See the ANZAC Coin Collection website for more details. Each coin is available to collect from October 27 – November 10, 2018 (VIC, SA, NT, TAS) and from October 28 – November 11, 2018 (NSW and QLD) for only $3.00 each with original hardcopy token (not digital) from The Daily Telegraph/The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), Herald Sun/Sunday Herald Sun (VIC), The Courier-Mail/The Sunday Mail (QLD), The Advertiser/Sunday Mail (SA), NT News/Sunday Territorian (NT), Mercury/ Sunday Tasmanian (TAS), The Cairns Post (QLD), Townsville Bulletin (QLD), Gold Coast Bulletin (QLD), Geelong Advertiser (VIC), The Toowoomba Chronicle (QLD), Sunshine Coast Daily (QLD), The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, QLD), The Northern Star (Lismore, NSW), NewsMail (Bundaberg, QLD), The Daily Mercury (Mackay, QLD), The Queensland Times (Ipswich, QLD), Fraser Coast Chronicle (QLD), The Observer (Gladstone, QLD), The Daily Examiner (Grafton/Clarence Valley, NSW ), The Gympie Times (QLD), Warwick Daily News (QLD). Strictly while stocks last.

Posted in Collecting Coins

2018 AC/DC Collector Coins 45 Years of Thunder Strike a Chord for all Collectors

45 Years of Thunder, collector coins commemorating AC/DC have been released with a bang. The phones are ringing hot at coin shops around the country from collectors trying to source these new release Australian coins. The Royal Australian Mint (RAM) has struck two special coins, a coloured uncirculated 50c and a triangular $5 silver plated nickel proof coin.

The triangular shape of the $5 coin resembles a guitar pick and the box also includes a guitar pick housed in amplifier shaped packaging. The nickel plated surfaces of this fine silver proof give the coin a dark appearance with a yellow bolt of lightning. Limited to just 10,000 coins the Royal Australian Mint limited sales to 3 coins per customer but this issue was quick to sell out at issue price of $130. These coins are currently selling around $200.

2018 AC/DC Triangular Nickel Plated Fine Silver Proof $5 (image courtesy ramint.gov.au)

The 50 cent with two yellow coloured bolts of lightning also celebrates 45 years of AC/DC. Issued for $15 this coin is currently selling for upwards of $60. Also initially limited to a purchase of three coins before a fast sellout the RAM knew this coin would be highly sought for another special reason. Partnering with Questacon and using a Tesla coil in the Caged Lightning exhibition just ten of the 30,000 50c pieces issued were “Thunderstruck” with 3,500,000 volts of lightning. These coins are identified by unique frosting on the AC/DC logo and were randomly distributed by the Mint. Did you receive a high voltage coin? Let us know!

2018 AC/DC 45 Years of Thunder Coloured Uncirculated 50c (image courtesy ramint.gov.au)

Posted in Collecting Coins

The Top 4 Mistakes that New Coin Collectors Make

We’ve been collecting and selling coins for more than 15 years and writing about coins on this blog for more than 10. In that time we’ve seen new collectors make the same few mistakes time and time again. So, what are the top 4 mistakes that new coin collectors make?

Thinking that Coin Collecting is Investing

So many new collectors see their collections as an ‘investment’. We can assure you now it’s not. If you get into the hobby thinking you’re going to make a bomb all you’re going to do is lose money. There’s people around who know MUCH more than you, have been doing this for longer than you, and they see a new ‘coin investor’ as an easy mark and they’ll do their level best to teach you an expensive lesson. And once that money is lost many collectors get dis-heartened and leave the hobby as quickly as they entered. Collect what you love, educate yourself, appreciate your collection for what it is. In time you may become knowledgeable enough to recognise a bargain or an under-graded item when you see it and make a small profit from it.

Getting Caught in the Hype

See a news article about $2 coins? Gotta buy those as an ‘investment’ for my grand-kids. See a video about the year 2000 $1/10c mule being worth $2000 or more and see one for sale for $1000 and snap it up thinking you’ve got a bargain? Or perhaps there’s an ‘All Australian’ grading company and the ‘herd mentality’ says that must be a good thing. So you get all your coins graded by a fly by night company that has little clue what they are doing and even encases your coins in slabs that damage the coins themselves.

Coloured $2 Coins – Pretty but did you really need 10 bags of them? (image courtesy of the RAM)

Don’t get caught up in the hype. Think about what you’re doing, sleep on it, take a sceptical view and don’t commit unless you’re 100% sure. Coin collecting is about knowledge and education, not following the masses.

Rushing into Purchases

We see this all the time. New collectors that have a hoard of NCLT, coins, and banknotes 6-12 months into their collecting journey. There’s no theme to the collection, no consistency of grades, no rhyme or reason to why a certain Royal Australian Mint release was bought and another wasn’t. New collectors have an almost feverish need to add items to their collections and see it grow. Sites like eBay, and the rise of buying and selling on social media have only served to enable that sort of behaviour.

The end result is a pile of items the collector loses interest in and has to dispose of, usually at a great loss which is always a dis-heartening exercise. Our tip to be taken from this? You’re better off having one of two well considered purchases a year netting you items you love and value than 100 purchases of rubbish that you don’t even remember buying.

Not Being Able to Grade

If a collector is buying individual coins or banknotes rather than mint issues then that collector MUST be able to grade. New collectors often have little idea how grade effects the value and demand for a coin or banknote. They rely too heavily on the grade assigned to an item by the dealer or the third party that has graded it. Yes, we admit that if an item is graded by a reputable third party (like PCGS or NGC) then a collector can have more assurance in the assigned grade. But even then, if you’re spending your own money on a hobby do you want to put ALL your faith in someone else? We certainly don’t.

AU or MS? Learn how to grade and see the coin ‘in hand’ to be sure

So, learn to grade, look at coins in hand, look at third party graded coins and try to understand why those coins or notes have been assigned their grade. And don’t think you can learn to grade by looking at images on social media or eBay. You can’t, and those platforms are full of ‘keyboard warriors’ who have held very few coins in hand but somehow seem to be able to assign split grades to a coin based on fuzzy images.

If you’re a new collector and you can avoid these 4 mistakes you’re well on the way to having a hobby that coin last you a life time!

Posted in Collecting Coins, Investing in Coins

Seeing Double – New Portrait of Queen on Australian Coin

2019 Sixth Portrait Dollar (image courtesy ramint.gov.au)

The Governor-General is Australia’s representative for Queen Elizabeth II and this position is currently held by Sir Peter Cosgrove*. Today the Governor-General unveiled a new dollar coin, the first to bear the official 2019 Jody Clark portrait of the Queen. The new effigy of the Queen will feature on new Australian coins from 2019 including those in circulation.

This new dollar coin released today has the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of the Queen on the reverse celebrating this portrait used from 1998 to 2019, the obverse reveals the new Jody Clark effigy -the sixth portrait. This particular coin is a collector release not for circulation, no doubt it would be confusing to some if received in change but definitely a winner to call heads in a coin flip.

Australia’s new effigy of the Queen designed by Mr Jody Clark is a modified version of that used on UK coinage since 2015. To be used in all countries of the Commonwealth this portrait includes Her Majesty’s shoulders and features the Victorian coronation necklace.

“The Sixth Effigy” coin is struck by the Royal Australian Mint in limited numbers, 30,000 in uncirculated aluminium bronze, and 5,000 in fine silver proof.

The evolving effigy of Queen Elizabeth II on Australian Coins from left Gillick, Machin, Maklouf, Gottwald, Rank-Broadley and the new Clark design.

*His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter John Cosgrove, Principal Knight and Chancellor of the Order of Australia, Military Cross, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Posted in Coin News

Melbourne ANDA Money Expo August 18-19th 2018

The Melbourne ANDA Money Expo was held on Saturday and Sunday 18-19th August 2018 at the Melbourne Park Function Centre. It was super easy to find the venue with just a short journey on the number 70 tram from Flinders Street station or just down from Southern Cross station (Cnr Spencer St and Flinders St) where I hopped on the tram. I caught an early flight out of Adelaide and was able to make the journey there and back without any problems and spend some good quality time browsing dealers stock, chatting with dealers and catching up with coin friends.

The show was attended by many of the familiar coin dealer faces we all get to know as collectors. From the cheery Tony Byrne, Adam Lovegrove of Southern Cross Coins, Edlins, Downies, IAG, Anna Numismatics, Canberra Numisco, Klaus Ford Numismatics, Watermans Coins, Pacific Rim Coins, Sterling & Currency there were plenty of vendors promoting their wares at the event. Displays from the Victorian numismatic societies were also pleasing to view.

Just for the kids 2 Cent Challenge also appealed to the older folk -who are we to judge! Collecting is enjoyed by all ages not just the 5-15. It’s great to see parents helping the kids out too.

The 5 Cent Forage also a fun project for a sunny and stormy (even hail battered the roof at one stage) cold and wet wintery Melbourne day.

Plenty of show special collectables were on offer from both ANDA and Australia Post. This display of 2018 Mob of Roos dollars with M privymarks and a sprinkling of B and P privies looked particularly artistic.

Show specials.

Posted in Coin News

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Current Coin Values, Bullion Prices and Exchange Rates

AUD $17.33
Australian 1966 Round 50c
AUD $1,072.78
Gold Sovereign
AUD $1,342.97
Australian $200 Gold Coin
AUD $50.75
Silver Price (per Oz)
AUD $4,556.85
Gold Price (per Oz)
USD $0.6270
Australian Dollar

These values are updated hourly using New York market prices. Coin values are purely the value of the gold or silver they contain and do not account for any numismatic value.
Prices Last Updated: 10:04 10 Feb 2025

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