New Coloured $1 Coin -Green Donation Dollar Sent to Circulation

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“DONATION DOLLAR Give To Help Others” are the words struck onto a new coloured one dollar coin hitting circulation. A call to action to be involved with a daily reminder in your change to give to charity, a worthy cause, struggling business or someone in need.

Bushfires, a pandemic, recession, we’ve been hit hard but as Aussies we’ll get up and go again. These coins are hitting banks, supermarkets and coffee shops so look out and you can do your own little bit of giving.

The Royal Australian Mint will be sending out a coin for every Australian (25 million) over the coming years and have already minted 4.5 million of these green coloured coins with 3 million already in distribution channels. Each coin features a green centre which will wear revealing gold ripples. The intention is for these coins to continue to revolve through circulation channels which brings a dilemma to the inner collector in ourselves. The Mint are not releasing this coin in any collector packaging.

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Posted in Coin News

Royal Australian Mint Rolls -Genuine or Reject?

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Collectors of mint rolls generally, and in particular collectors of commemorative coloured $2 coin rolls need to take note of recent events that could impact on their collecting habits. The Royal Australian Mint in Canberra have recently attempted to clarify issues around the release of RAM wrappered mint rolls. At the heart of the issue is whether or not the production figures of collector coin rolls that many of us purchased in good faith really are what we were led to believe.

Firstly, let’s clarify what we mean by ‘collector mint rolls’. Over the last several years the Mint has produced coin rolls in Royal Australian Mint paper as a RAM dealer exclusive product, with set numbers of each roll produced. These are sold by authorised RAM dealers for around double face value. Collectors had been willing to pay a premium as these rolls were guaranteed to contain the coin depicted on the end of the roll. This is different to coin rolls wrapped by a security company, where there is always uncertainty about the types and the grade of the coins in the roll. As such, a genuine RAM wrappered roll has been a much more desirable way of collecting premium uncirculated examples of a coin type.

In recent weeks bank customers withdrawing coin rolls from dispensing machines have been surprised to receive rolls of new coins wrapped in official RAM paper. Types of coins found in rolls have included 2017 Lest We Forget Mosaic $2 coins, 2019 100 Years of Repatriation $2 coins, 2020 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII coloured $2 coins, and 2019 Jody Clark effigy $2 coins. This has lead to a run on roll dispensing machines and a glut of seemingly genuine RAM wrappered rolls hitting the collector market. While we’ve all been eagerly awaiting new coloured $2 coins to be found in circulation this flood of $2 rolls and coloured coins seems to have had a dampening effect on collector enthusiasm. It’s easy to understand why some collectors are dismayed, how would you feel about spending double face value or even more on an ‘exclusive’ collectable product only to see others obtain the same item for face value?

The Royal Australian Mint in Canberra have this week addressed concerns in a media statement, some of which you can see below:

There are some essential elements to Official Rolls that warrant identification. Firstly, they appear in Royal Australian Mint official rolling paper. We are aware of other companies rolling circulating coins and whilst this may be of appeal to the market, these should not be considered Royal Australian Mint Official Rolls.

Also, Official Rolls feature coins that at one end have a visible obverse (heads) and at the other end a visible reverse (tails). Many years ago we established a standard for this format, with the heads and tails combination essential so that for every Official Roll the reverse design is evident, as is the year date of striking.

So in summary, Official Rolls are purposely designed, manufactured and released by the Mint for the purpose of collection. They are mintaged (capped at a publicised maximum volume), they are wrapped in our official paper and they feature a heads and tails combination.

What you may not be aware of is the fact that we cannot program our coin rolling machinery to solely produce heads and tails combinations that are utilised for Official Rolls. Therefore when we produce and package to a full mintage of 5,000 there is another 5,000 (approximately) rolls that do not meet the head/tails requirement – they are either heads/heads or tails/tails.

These coins go back into the circulating coin inventory to be utilised in orders being shipped to banks at a future time. These are not considered error coins, but rather are reject products as they do not meet the product specification required for Official Rolls. Rather than destroy them, or go to the extra time and cost of having to unpack them, they may be sent to banks in this format. At times these shipments may also contain any Official Rolls that have not been purchased to mintage.

For future, to make it easier for collectors we are looking at ways to further differentiate our Official Rolls from the Rejected Rolls. This may include an extra identifying mark on the packaging, but this is yet to be determined.

Read the full statement here

The guts of this is that at some unknown point in the past it was decided by the RAM that an ‘official’ roll was a Head / Tails roll. We’re not clear WHEN this was made policy but in the secondary market we’re now seeing coin rolls that appear to be official product that, by what is essentially semantics on the part of the RAM, are not. This is obviously leading to confusion amongst collectors as it’s not easy to distinguish an ‘official’ product from a roll simply assigned for circulation release. As with anything though, knowledge is the key and if you’re aware that uncertainties such as this case exist then you can allow for this in your purchasing budget. Or perhaps you’ll change your collecting habits to avoid these rolls altogether.

Posted in Collecting Coins

2012 Red Poppy Remembrance Day Two Dollar Coin Value

2012 Remembrance Red Poppy $2 Coin

The 2012 Remembrance Day red poppy two dollar coin is almost certainly the most popular $2 coin among Australian coin collectors. A common question from new and experienced collectors is what is the 2012 red poppy $2 coin actually worth? Well, like most questions in coin collecting, the answer is, it depends. It’s worth a quick look at how the coin was issued before we get into values. The coin itself was never intended to circulate and the colour was applied with a pad printing process and was not very durable. As a non-circulating design with a mintage of just 503,000 it was initially released via the Returned Services League (RSL). The coins were supplied to the RSL in Chubb security rolls of 25 coins. These rolls had dark green paper with black writing that read “$50 Two Dollar Coins” and included the Chubb logo.

RSL staff and volunteers broke open the rolls and released the coins with a collector card. They initially glued (yes glued) the coin to the card with a silicon adhesive. When told this was harmful to the coin they then put the coin in a ziplock baggie and either stapled this to the card or supplied the coin in the baggie loose with the card. Release price of the coin with the card was a $10 donation to the RSL. This was a cost of $2 to the RSL and a profit to the RSL as a fund raising activity. At this time some RSL branches were also selling entire rolls of the coins because they couldn’t dispose of red poppy $2 coins with cards fast enough.

The Two Dollar Remembrance Day Red Poppy coin was also struck with a ‘C’ mintmark, the ‘C’ representing Canberra. 40,902 of the ‘C’ Mintmark red poppies were produced and issued in a mix of cards and postal numismatic covers (PNCs). The most common way you’ll see these mintmark poppies is in a capsule housed in a cardboard ‘tri-fold’ folder that were issued for $12.95. The ‘C’ mintmark coin was also released in a 2012 PNC by Australia Post for $19.95. The “C” mintmark red poppy was also released in 2014 PNC that included the 2014 Green Dove Remembrance $2 coin.

Before we get started on values it’s important to realise two things. Firstly, these values are RETAIL values, if you’re selling on eBay you might get these but remember eBay takes a cut. If you’re selling to a dealer expect to get about 20% to 50% less than the prices quoted. Second thing to realise is that the prices are current at time of writing (July 2020). To get an idea of values right now try checking out 2012 Remembrance Red Poppy $2 Sold Results on eBay.

2012 Red Poppy $2 Coin on RSL Collector Card

2012 Red Poppy (No Mintmark) Value

Right now for a nice uncirculated 2012 red poppy $2 coin you can expect to get $100-$150 for your coin. If it includes an RSL collector card add $10 to that. If your coin is one of those that was glued to the card and is now toned expect to get $20-$30 less. PCGS graded 2012 red poppies really only start to be worth more than non graded examples in PCGS MS66 or higher. At that point you might get $200, or in MS67 $300. If you want to see what red poppies are going for on eBay right now then click this link to be taken to eBay.

There is one other popular way you might see the no mintmark 2012 Red Poppy, and that’s in a capsule on red and black information card that was issued by Downies Coins. These (at the time of writing) sell for about $200 or so. We find this a bit odd as the quality of the coins on these cards is typically WORSE than those found with the RSL Collector cards.

It’s important to note a major factor in the value of your coin and that’s the condition of the paint. Chipped paint poppies generally sell for much less than a full paint poppy example. Back in 2012 when the RSL were opening rolls of coins they typically banked poor paint examples as they were deemed unsaleable at the $10 rate.

2012 Red Poppy ‘C’ Mintmark Folder

2012 Red Poppy ‘C’ Mintmark Value

A ‘C’ mintmark red poppy in a well kept ‘tri-fold’ folder might be worth $300-$400 right now. One in a 2012 Australia Post Red Poppy PNC would be worth a very similar amount as would the 2014 PNC that includes the 2014 Green Remembrance $2 coin. If you want to see what ‘C’ mintmark 2012 red poppies are going for on ebay right now click this link to be taken to Ebay.

2012 Red Poppy Roll Value

Original Chubb security rolls of 2012 Red Poppies are very valuable, selling for $2500 to $4,000. Often they sell for more than the value of the individual coins which is very unusual. If you’re interested in purchasing a roll we suggest sticking to those with Chubb paper. Some sellers suggest that some rolls were released in plain brown paper, however we handled several hundred original rolls back in 2012 and only EVER saw those in green paper. If you intend to open the roll to cash in then remember the original rolling process wasn’t beneficial to the paint applied to the coin and you should expect to see some coins with chipped paint inside. Click this link to be taken to eBay and go crazy!

Posted in Collecting Coins, Investing in Coins

2020 Skippy the Bush Kangaroo Coloured 50 Cent

2020 Skippy 50c (image courtesy

Mention Skippy and collectors ears prick up. The iconic television series was recently celebrated with a collector coin release and it’s popularity hasn’t waned in over 50 years. Skippy the bush kangaroo and young Sonny adorn the non-circulating coloured 50 cent inside a TV screen. The denomination of 50 cents fitting to this 50 year tribute coin. The coin also featuring the new portrait (with necklace) obverse. Just 20,000 collector coins were produced by the Royal Australian Mint with 14,000 released in a collector card by the Royal Australian Mint and Downies and 6,000 in a PNC (postal numismatic cover) released by Australia Post.

2020 Skippy 50c Card (image courtesy

The Australia Post PNC features the coin and a $1.10 stamp depicting a kangaroo paw and cancelled in Kangaroo Valley NSW on release date 26 May 2020.

2020 Skippy PNC (image courtesy Australia Post)

Posted in Collecting Coins

2020 Beneath the Southern Skies Silver Dollar

2020 Beneath the Southern Skies Silver Dollar (image courtesy Royal Australian Mint)

One ounce of 99.99% fine silver is the base of this stunning coin created from one of Stuart Devlins early design drafts intended for our new circulating decimal coins in 1966. The unused images have been retrieved from the Royal Australian Mint archives and used on this new 2020 dated large size dollar coin struck to entice silver collectors and investors. The design appears spherical and depicts the Australian continent alongside the Southern Cross constellation with bands of latitude and longitude. The design carries over to the obverse with the new Jody Clark portrait (with necklace) of the Queen appearing suspended over the globe.

The design is also used on the 1oz fine gold $100 version. Retail price varies as the intrinsic value of the gold and silver fluctuates especially during the unsettled world economy we’re seeing in 2020 (see how I avoided the use of the latest catchphrase unprecedented times). Pricing of the silver coin is around $50 and the gold coin $3,500.

Posted in Investing in Coins

2020 QANTAS Centenary Dollar Coin for Circulation

2020 QANTAS Circulating $1 (image courtesy Royal Australian Mint)

Today the Royal Australian Mint releases a new one dollar coin into circulation. The commemorative $1 coin depicts a stylised B787-9 Dreamliner flying through the number 100, a hundred years since QANTAS was founded in November 1920 -the third oldest airline in the world. Originally Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services, shortened to the acronym QANTAS is also known fondly as the flying kangaroo -with an impeccable safety record. The coin design includes parallel lines in the plane’s wake to signify movement and progression in the airlines 100 year history. This Dreamliner aircraft with the QANTAS badge flew the first non-stop flight between Perth and London in 2018 and QANTAS was the first to complete the longest commercial flight between New York and Sydney in 2019.

The new coin will soon be found in circulation. If you can’t wait then head to the Mint swap events planned in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne later this month (February 17, 21 and 21). These coins are also available in coin rolls from selected dealers. This coin is a fitting addition to the 11 Coin $1 QANTAS boxed Set also released by the Mint.

Posted in Coin News

New York International Coin Convention 2020 Show Report

This report was supplied by Eric Eigner of Drake Sterling Numismatics.

The NYICC has always been the most prestigious international coin show on the numismatic calendar. Historically held at the glamorous Waldorf Astoria, this year’s show occupied two floors of the modern Grand Hyatt hotel near the famous Grand Central station. The show itself filled the Grand Ballroom, while the lower level was dedicated to auction viewings and the auctions themselves.

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I arrived on the Thursday morning to register early and then joined the queue to get into the ballroom. The line was long, and once I got inside the show itself was reasonably busy. Almost every table had a crowd of collectors around it, and it wasn’t long before gaps began appearing in the coin displays as coins got sold. With ninety-two dealers displaying their wares, and with almost every table surrounded by people, you can imagine the energy and bustle in the room. It was certainly a challenge to buy, though not because of a lack of range on offer!

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Eric Smiling

Eric deep in contemplation

Indeed, the variety of coins on offer was impressive, although I was a bit disappointed with the quality of the coins available. I don’t think I found even a single high-grade sovereign, while the range of Australian silver and copper coins was very thin on the ground. Fortunately, I did find a lovely 1893 Sydney veiled head half sovereign in PCGS MS62, as well as a few odd sovereigns in lesser grade. There was also a nice run of better Sydney Mint sovereigns, although the selling prices were too high, in my opinion.

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Most exciting were the 1855 and 1856 Sydney Mint sovereigns that were on display. Both coins were found in the wreck of the SS Central America, which was a ship that sunk in 1857. What makes the coins special are their very high grades. Both are amongst the finest of their years, while the 1855 in particular, graded MS62+, is the third-finest certified by PCGS, and would be worth over AU$100,000. It is surreal to imagine these two coins at the bottom of the Atlantic for over a century, after having been in circulation for only two years or less. As an interesting side note, both coins were certified alongside a small pinch of authentic San Francisco gold dust found on the SS Central America, hand-signed by the Chief Scientist of the SS Central America recovery programme, and enclosed in a holder the size of a mouse pad. Both coins were to be auctioned eventually, but no details on estimates were available at that stage.

SS America Australia 1855 Sovereign

SS America Australia 1855 Sovereign

SS America Australia 1856 Sovereign

SS America Australia 1856 Sovereign

For British collectors, there was a lovely 1952 proof penny on display. Priced at US$250,000 (about AU$340,000), the coin is a one-off and is the only example of a British 1952 penny, as either a proof or currency issue.

Possible Unique Great Britain 1952 Proof Penny

On the whole, it was a great show to attend, with a wide range of coins on display and great dealers to meet, all in a warm and convivial atmosphere. I look forward to the next show in 2021, and hope more dealers and collectors from Australia can attend.

Posted in Coin News

2020 Tooth Fairy $2 Coin

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The Royal Australian Mint (RAM) have just released a new special $2 coin. As official supplier of coins to the Tooth Fairy the Mint have released a commemorative coin to celebrate that special occasion in a childs life with the reverse depicting the Tooth Fairy herself floating away with a child’s tooth.

For us collectors out there we now have another commemorative $2 to add to the vast collection, this coin uncoloured. The Mint have today released this new Tooth Fairy coin in a kit with a toothbrush and a glitter fairy pen. This kit costing $25. If it’s just the coin you’re after then your local friendly Royal Australian Mint authorised distributor have been given the opportunity to order the coin in a collector card that will retail for $15. The catch is that these were pre-ordered (by dealer demand) and will not be available until the middle of May. A total of 12,000 of the Tooth Fairy uncirculated $2 coins will be presented and released this way.

If you want to add this coin to your collection then you have two options. Jump on the RAM website and order your kit for $25 or head over to your local authorised dealer and see if they will have this coin in stock.

Single Coin in Card -Dealer only issue $15 (final artwork may differ)

Tooth Fairy Kit -Royal Australian Mint purchase only $25

Posted in Collecting Coins

1943 Penny Value

Australian 1943 Penny Struck in India

If you’re wondering what your 1943 penny is worth then you need to understand a few things before moving forward. Firstly, 1943 was right in the middle of World War 2 and there was a need for coin to keep the wheels of commerce in Australia turning. Because of this the mintage of Australian 1943 pennies is high. How high? More than 53 million bronze pennies were minted for 1943! What does that mean? It means that if a coin collector is looking for a 1943 penny they are not going to have too much trouble finding one! The second thing to be aware of is that 1943 pennies were actually minted in three different branches of the Royal Mint spread across two countries. 1943 pennies were struck in Melbourne, Perth, and Bombay in India!

So what is a 1943 Australian Penny Worth?

You need to be aware that the value of 1943 pennies is very closely related to the grade of the coin. If you’ve got a well circulated penny that is toned brown, then you’ve got a coin that is worth less than a dollar, regardless of the mint the coin was made at. An Extremely Fine coin with traces of mint red might be worth $20, almost uncirculated coins worth perhaps $50-$75. A full red uncirculated 1943 penny from the Melbourne, Perth, or Bombay Mint is worth up to $250. As usual you’re likely to see higher values for top graded PCGS certified 1943 pennies rather than raw ungraded coins.

USA 1943 Copper Wheat Penny (Image courtesy of Heritage Auctions)


But What’s All this About 1943 Copper Pennies Being Worth Thousands?

If you’ve come here thinking your 1943 penny is worth thousands then you’re getting confused with a very few United States of America Wheat Cents (also called pennies) that were dated 1943 that were struck in copper. You can see one of these very rare coins above. It turns out that almost all USA 1943 Wheat Cents were struck in steel, while some small number were accidentally struck in copper. These copper 1943 Wheat Cents are indeed very valuable being worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. In contrast, 1943 Australian Pennies (which are actually Bronze NOT Copper) are not particularly valuable as we’ve already discussed earlier.

Values were current at time of writing in December 2019.

Posted in Collecting Coins, Investing in Coins

Adelaide Coin and Banknote Expo This Weekend

Put down your phone coin enthusiasts, this weekend the biggest coin event in Adelaide is happening! We’ll be at the Torrens Parade Ground Hall in the city this Saturday and Sunday. The Coin Expo hosted by the Numismatic Society of South Australia will have around 20 coin dealers and the Royal Australian Mint in one location.

Got some old coins lying around then why not bring them in with dealers buying coins, banknotes, tokens, gold coins, silver coins, militaria and ephemera of various kinds. Want someone to look at a coin, then the experts with be there to give you advice and values. The Royal Australian Mint is having a coin swap and mobile coin press on location. The NSSA is having a raffle and selling showbags. Visitors and dealers are travelling from far and wide to attend this huge numismatic event.

If you have some old coins that you want to sell then bring them in to the Expo this weekend, or just come along to look around and maybe pickup a coin with the new portrait of the Queen. The Expo is running 10am-5pm Saturday and 10-4 Sunday with free parking at the venue. ENTRY IS FREE! See you there…….

More Info

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Australian Numismatic Calendar

Current Coin Values, Bullion Prices and Exchange Rates

AUD $17.33
Australian 1966 Round 50c
AUD $1,072.78
Gold Sovereign
AUD $1,342.97
Australian $200 Gold Coin
AUD $50.75
Silver Price (per Oz)
AUD $4,556.85
Gold Price (per Oz)
USD $0.6270
Australian Dollar

These values are updated hourly using New York market prices. Coin values are purely the value of the gold or silver they contain and do not account for any numismatic value.
Prices Last Updated: 10:04 10 Feb 2025

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