Unauthorised use of our Images in The $2 Coin Book

A recently published book on the Australian $2 coin called the The $2 Coin Book has included the unauthorised use of images from this website. On 22 August 2019 the following email was received from book author Roger McNeice addressed to Blog Author, Kathryn Harris:

From: Roger McNeice OAM CF
Email: rvmn@internode.on.net
Phone: 0408279276

As mentioned in my phone call to Katherine, I have been working on a comprehensive book on two dollar coins. One chapter deals with error coins. I notic eon your web site that you have mentioned $2 error and have a couple of illustrations. I would like to include them in my book with full acknowledgement to the Purple Penny. Also info about the 2008/9 coins minted on the Euro planchet would be most useful.
‘I look forward to your reply.
Kindest regards
Roger McNeice OAM CF

This was responded to on 22 August 2019 with:

From: Kathryn Harris
Date: Thu, 22 Aug. 2019, 10:17 am
Subject: Re: Purple Penny Contact Form

Hi Roger,

Thank you for your email. I’m afraid though we must decline permission to use our content and images. Just like you our numismatic work and interests are an income stream to us and for this reason we value our content highly.

Kind Regards,

Kathryn Harris
The Purple Penny Pty Ltd
Website: thepurplepenny.com
Ph: 0422 977 753

Visit Us:
Shop 2 / 2-4 Hurtle Parade Mawson Lakes SA 5095

Mail to: PO Box 28
Dernancourt SA 5075

Below is a screenshot of the email exchange from Gmail, you can click on the image to enlarge it. Note that the original email can be forwarded to anyone who wants to examine it’s authenticity.

Email exchange between Kathryn Harris an Roger McNeice, August 2019 (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

When The $2 Coin Book was published by Roger McNeice in December 2020 / January 2021 we were informed by others that it contained images with the watermark seen on most images on this website. We purchased a copy of the book and below are the details of images used without permission of the authors of this website.

Image 1 – Page 35 (Click to Enlarge)

The image above is used in the top half of page 35 of the book. It clearly shows the watermarked copyright of this website at the bottom right. The image is mis-attributed to IAG Auctions. This coin resides in our current collection and was not purchased from IAG Auctions.

Image 2 – Page 35 (Click to Enlarge)

The image above is used in the bottom of page 35 of the book. It clearly shows the watermarked copyright of this website at the bottom right. The image is mis-attributed to Google. While the image may appear on Google’s Image Search results Google does not own the copyright of images shown in Google Image Search. Ownership of copyright of images on Google Image Search is clearly explained here.

Image 3 – Page 36 (Click to Enlarge)

The two images above are used on the bottom of page 36 of the book. The lower right image clearly shows the watermarked copyright of this website at the bottom right. The image is mis-attributed to the South Australian Numismatic Society. There is no such organisation. However, the image can be found on the Numismatic Society of South Australia’s website here. That image includes our copyright watermark as we retain ownship of the copyright of that image. As members of the Numismatic Society of South Australia we do, from time to time, give them permission to use our images on their website, as in this case. However that does not allow them to grant use of the images to other parties. We are not suggesting that the Numismatic Society of South Australia has done anything wrong here, we are suggesting that the author of The $2 Coin Book has assumed permission to use an image from a body that cannot give that permission.

Permission to use Images from this Site in “The $2 Coin Book” by Roger McNeice

Roger McNeice does not have permission to use images from this site or any other website that we own in his current, past, or future publications. Use of the images in current and past publications contravenes directly what he was told in the email shown earlier in this article. Details on obtaining permission to use images on this website can clearly be seen in the right hand side “Site Links” box on the page :Using the Images from this Site.

Addendum – 26/03/2021

Below are screenshots of comments made by Roger McNeice in a Facebook post on or about 25/03/2021. The initial subject of the Facebook post by Mr. McNeice concerned someone copying and distributing The $2 Coin Book via PDF format. After this blog entry was posted someone added a comment to the older Facebook post linking readers to this blog entry. The screenshots below are posted as the Facebook post has now been removed/deleted. The Facebook post in question was in the Australian $2 Coin Collectors group.

Comments by Roger McNeice 25 March 2021 (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Facebook Post by Roger Mcneice concerning copying of The $2 Coin Book (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Posted in Coin News

NSSA Presidents Numismatic Address -The Sydney Harbour Bridge

By Kathryn Harris
Numismatic Society of South Australia (NSSA) President 2019-2020.

I was born in Sydney and when I was 2 years old my family moved 4 hours south to Cooma, ‘The Gateway to the Snowy Mountains’ which is where I grew up. My grandparents, aunts and uncles all lived back in Sydney so for most school holidays and Christmases we travelled there to visit.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge (Image Courtesy: Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

I have fond memories of this time spent holidaying in the big smoke which always included hopping on a train and making the trip in to Central Station and the city circle. We’d always pack lunch and set off with roast lamb and tomato sauce sandwiches made by Grandma Polly.

The North Shore was the other side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and a trip across the unmistakable icon was a must-do on many trips. Perhaps by train but mostly by sneaker, Mum, Dad, my sister and me made the trek to the other side.

Building the Bridge. Photograph from the personal collection of the chief engineer, Dr John Bradfield (Image Courtesy: University of Sydney Library, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

The bridge officially began construction on July 28th 1923 with the “turning of the first sod” at an official ceremony in Milson’s Point. This was 10 years after the Sydney Harbour Bridge project was first planned and over a hundred years after the first ideas were raised to build a bridge linking the Central Business District to the North Shore of Sydney. The government, through a tendering process worked through twenty proposals from six companies for the construction of the bridge awarding the contract to British firm Dorman Long and Co Ltd.

Building the Bridge. Photograph from the personal collection of the chief engineer, Dr John Bradfield (Image Courtesy: University of Sydney Library, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Calculations for the designs of the bridge filled 28 books and, in the end, it cost more than 10 million pounds to build the bridge (10,057,170 pounds, 7 shillings and 9 pence to be exact). This is just under a billion dollars in todays money.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge, affectionately known as “The Coathanger” because of its arch-based design extends 1,149 metres from one side to the other. The arch spans 503 metres with four pylons standing 89 metres above sea level. Interestingly these four pylons serve no structural purpose and are a decorative feature only. It took 95,000 cubic metres of concrete and 17,000 cubic metres of granite stone to make the bridge. Steelwork weighing 52,800 tonnes is held together by around about 6 million rivets.

c1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge Medallion
Struck from slice of surplus steel bridge rivet (Carlisle ZS/2)

Here we have one of those rivets, or at least a slice of a rivet that was surplus to use in the bridge. These commemorative medals were struck on planchets made from slices of the excess steel rivets made by McPhersons P/L of Melbourne. It’s not known who was responsible for these but this example comes from the collection of a very good friend who saw my face light up when I saw he had one of these hard-to-find medals in such good condition.

In Commemoration of the Bridge Locking (Image Courtesy: Noble Numismatics)

(Image Courtesy: Noble Numismatics)

Construction began from each side until meeting in the middle, this milestone reached 19th August 1930 just shy of 2 years after the arch construction began. In this afternoon the two halves met but celebrations were short-lived because expansion and contraction of the metal caused the bridge to separate again. They were rejoined later that evening. The tokens seen here were made at the time to commemorate the event and were sold at Noble Numismatics.

Fell But Survived 9ct Gold Medal (Image Courtesy Noble Numismatics)

Sixteen workers lost their lives during the build project, surprisingly only two from falling from the bridge. One gent, Irish boilermaker 31-year-old Vincent Roy Kelly who fell 55m even survived! Mr. Kelly was using his heavy riveting gun when he lost his footing, onlookers were amazed as they watched him somersault and enter the water feet first. Mr. Kelly dropped his tool belt which hit the water first, breaking his fall and he clambered aboard a passing barge in shock with just two broken ribs. He was presented with this medal and a gold watch.

The medal is inscribed “To Vincent R Kelly, to mark his preservation from serious injury, on falling into the harbour, a distance of 182 feet. 23rd Oct. 1930” and was sold at a Nobles auction in 2012, I believe it is now in a museum. The front of the medal depicts the bridge and is inscribed from L. Ennis O.B.E Director of Construction. Lawrence Ennis, a Scottish engineer was managing director of Dorman Long & Co the British company contracted to build the bridge. He was construction supervisor for the project, the likes of which had never been attempted before in Australia on such a scale.

Royal Australian Mint Medallion c1970-1984 (Carlisle R/7) Vambola Veinberg

Sydney Harbour Bridge Ribbon Cutting Scissors by
Vambola Veinberg (Image Courtesy: Parliament of NSW, Facebook, September 28, 2016)

The bridge was opened with pompous fanfare (and a public holiday!) on 19th March 1932 in the presence of the Governor of NSW Sir Philip Game, Lawrence Ennis and NSW Premier Jack Lang. Lang was to cut a ribbon with a pair of ornate golden opal studded ceremonial scissors. Let us digress for just a moment on these scissors. Inscribed “Presented to the Hon. J.T Lang Premier & Treasurer NSW by Dorman Long & Co Ltd Contractors” they were designed by Vambola Veinberg who went on to the be the first chief engraver at the Royal Australian Mint. They were made by craftsmen at Angus and Coote jeweller using 9 carat Australian gold, hand-wrought with flannel flowers, waratahs and gum leaves set with six flame-coloured opals around a model of the bridge. This is a bit of a tangent of collecting for myself as coin designers almost always have creativity in their blood making all kinds of sculptural or precious metal pieces aside from coins and medals.

The scissors were also used to open the Sydney Harbour Tunnel in August 1992, the ANZAC Bridge in 1995 and the Sydney Cross City Tunnel in August 2005.

Back to the opening of the bridge where more than 750,000 people gathered around the harbour on a Saturday in March 1932. The ornate scissors would cut the ribbon to open the bridge but not before an incident most grand.

De Groot Cutting Ribbon, at Official Opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 19 March 1932 (Image Courtesy: Unknown Author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Irishman Francis de Groot infamously garnered enduring notoriety in Australian folklore when, on horseback he slashed the ribbon with his cavalry sword before officials could claiming

“I open this bridge in the name of His Majesty the King and all the decent citizens of NSW.”

His organisation, the New Guard (a right-wing, loyal to the British Empire, anti-union and anti-Labor govt at time), had resented the fact that King George V had not been asked to open the bridge. He was then escorted away by police and the ribbon retied for the official cut. De Groot was fined £5 (+£4 in costs) for offensive behaviour (he later sued and was awarded a substantial settlement).

Bridge Opening Ceremony (Image Courtesy: Hood, Ted, 1911-2000, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Celebrations for the opening of the bridge were like nothing Sydney had ever seen before. A human tide followed a marching pageant of floats that highlighted significant events in the nation’s history, Captain Cook’s landing, the arrival of the First Fleet, Indigenous Australians, Bridge workers, the armed forces, schoolchildren and lifesavers with sydneysiders cheering from every window and balcony along the way. People also flocked to the foreshores to view a flotilla of ships and boats passing down Sydney Harbour and under the Bridge. The Royal Australian Air Force also gave an aerial display. After the official opening there was a 21-gun salute and the public was permitted to walk across the Bridge. The evening featured a firework display, as well as formal balls and dinners. In the lead-up to the opening, sporting competitions were held, including sailing races, athletics, tennis and cricket matches.

1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge Silver Medal for basketball (Carlisle 1932/5)

This 51mm beautifully toned silver medal commemorating the opening is edge inscribed and was awarded to an amateur girls’ sports team called the Kookaburras who played basketball in the inaugural celebrations in the weeks around the bridge opening.

Opening Ceremony Flag 1932

Many collectables and ephemera were produced and kept to remember this special time. We have a cloth flag flown by an eager young boy (5) who was present at the opening ceremony. The only other example of this flag we’ve seen resides in a museum.

Sydney Harbour Bridge Pageant Medal With Pin (Carlisle 1932/4)

This medal has an attached pin which would have been purchased at the time and the pin used to affix it to clothing worn. It celebrates the pageant on the opening day.

Businesses also joined the celebrations with commemorative tokens produced.

James Cook, Baker, Paddington Commemorative Token

This 25mm gold coloured gilt medal struck by Amor is interesting as it depicts Captain James Cook and was issued by the business of James Cook, a baker in the suburb of Paddington. The depiction of Captain Cook was the company’s logo.

1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge “The Big Store” Marcus Clark & Co Ltd Medallion
(Carlisle 1932/3)

Marcus Clark was a department store in 1932 which is now part of today’s Harvey Norman (Norman Ross took over Waltons who took over Marcus Clark). This 39mm brass advertising medallion promoting ‘The Big Store’ can be found in many collections. From our research in old newspapers at the time this store (any many other retailers) was selling various bridge novelties as collectable items commemorating the opening. This medal was given away free to all shoppers on Friday and Saturday 8-9th April 1932. It is touted as being coated with pure Australian gold and a valuable souvenir but can be picked up for about $20-30 today.

Sydney Harbour Bridge Toll Gates 1933 (Image Source: Hall and Co., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

To recoup the expense of the building of the bridge a Toll was charged to cross. Initially in 1932 the toll was sixpence for each car, threepence for adult passengers and a penny for the children all calculated as you crossed. The toll charge for other vehicles varied and when seven elephants from a passing circus crossed, they were charged tuppence each. In 1960 due to traffic congestion this was reduced to a flat fee per vehicle, a car being one shilling. In 1966 at decimal changeover the toll was 20c per car which increased to $1 in 1987, then in 1989 to $1.50.

Sydney Harbour Toll Token -c1990

Around 1990 toll tokens were introduced, these were minted in Canberra at the Royal Australian Mint and had the bridge depicted on one side and a waratah flower on the other. I’ve searched in Mint annual reports of the period and determined that they likely minted almost a quarter of a million tokens for use in bridge crossings.

The 10 million dollars build cost loan didn’t get paid off until 1988 which coincided with construction of the Sydney Harbour Tunnel.

Painting the Girders 1932 (Image Source: Powerhouse Museum from Sydney, Australia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

I’ll conclude my discussion with another fun fact about the bridge. A total of 272,000 litres of paint were applied by brush to the bridge in 3 coats ahead of the opening. These days lead paint is being removed, two robots and more than 100 people are working on repainting four layers of paint, a zinc-green, red and black undercoat followed by ‘Sydney Harbour Bridge Grey’ which is a special colour not available for any other person or use.

Painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge (Image Courtesy: State Library of New South Wales, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Posted in Coin News

Australian Five Cent Coin Values

The Australian 5 cent coin, first minted in 1966 and still used today is one of the most commonly seen coins in your change. It’s a tiny thing, weighing in at just under 3 grams and only 19.4mm in diameter. The size of the coin is reflected in it’s current purchasing power, which in 2021 is very small indeed. An interesting fact is that the face value of the five cent coin is (according to some sources) actually less than the cost of manufacture of each coin! The decline in purchasing power and high cost of making five cent coins has lead to persistent rumours of their demise but for the time being they are here to stay.

Enough of the history the coin, what are these pesky little things worth? The sad fact is that apart from a few notable exceptions the value of Australian 5 cent coins are mostly (wait for it), five cents! Below you can find a list of several Australian Five Cent Coins whose values are DEFINITELY not five cents!

Click image to enlarge

Australian 1972 Five Cents

Just 8.25 million 1972 dated five cent coins were minted, which until the 2016 Decimal Currency 5c, was the lowest mintage for a circulating 5c coin. Because of this the 1972 coin has always been the “key date” of the series and keenly sought by collectors. If you happen to find a well circulated 1972 five cent in your change it might be worth $5 or so. However if you manage to find one in an old money box or coin collection that is lustrous and uncirculated like the day it was made, it could be worth $50 or more.

Australian 1966 Five Cents Upset Die Error

A very small number of 1966 dated five cent coins that were minted at the Royal Mint in London were made in a coin press with a loose obverse die. This resulted in what is known as upset coin errors where the head and tails sides of the coin are not properly aligned. We’ve only ever seen one or two of this error making it very scarce and valuing them at anywhere from $50 to $200. The value of this Australian five cent coin certainly makes it worth looking out for in your change!

2007 Double Obverse (Head) 5 Cent Coin

Australian 2007 Double Header/Obverse Five Cents

Operator error (or mischief) lead to some 2007 dated 5c coins being minted with two heads (obverse) dies. Somehow these double headers got into circulation and have been turning up in small numbers for the last 7 or 8 years. Each is worth $1,000 dollars or more and uncirculated examples often realise more than $2,000! One avid coin noodler has found several dozen 2007 double header five cent coins, a collection that is now worth a considerable sum.

Australian 2016 Changeover Five Cents “Alien” Variety

At some point during the minting of the 2016 Changeover five cent coins one pair obverse and reverse dies tried to strike a coin when no coin blank was present. This resulted in the two dies hitting each other (or “clashing”) with the reverse die actually imprinting some of it’s design on the obverse die. From that point forward any coins struck by those dies has what looks like alien antennae sprouting from the top of the penny on the obverse design. This extra design element is due to the clashed dies. This distinctive and well sought after variety has sold for $300 or more and they are very rarely seen. Certainly a valuable five cent coin to keep your eye out for.

Posted in Collecting Coins, Investing in Coins

2021 Tooth Fairy $2 Coin

Click image to enlarge

The tooth fairy is back in 2021 on this new release $2 coin struck by the Royal Australian Mint. Issued in a collector card for $15 or in a boxed kit for $25 this is a must have for the little person and their lost tooth! Let’s not forget us coin collectors who are eagerly awaiting to add this to the evergrowing commemorative $2 coin collections.

The coin design is the same as issued in 2020, the reverse by Mint designer Bronwyn King featuring the fairy herself holding a baby tooth. The colour of the packaging is all that differs. Mintage however will be something to watch, the 2020 coin whilst unlimited in the boxed kit was limited in the card pack and manufactured to dealer requests (12,000). This year the new coin dated 2021 is unlimited in the card packaging but so far just 15,000 produced. Only demand will see if this increases.

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Posted in Collecting Coins

2021 Mintmark Coin Series Centenary of the Royal Australian Air Force

Click image to enlarge

Heroes of the Sky! Celebrating 100 years of the Royal Australian Air Force is the theme for the 2021 series of coins released January 1st, the mintmark coins for 2021. This is the theme for the $1 coin visitors strike on the gallery coin presses at the Mint in Canberra and for the mintmark coin set (Cmm, S privy, B privy and M privy), C mintmark silver proof dollar and gold proof 1/10oz coin.

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Posted in Collecting Coins

New CEO for the Royal Australian Mint, Farewell Ross MacDiarmid

Outgoing RAM CEO Mr Ross MacDiarmid

We must be close to the announcement of a new Chief Executive Officer at our circulating coin production facility the Royal Australian Mint. Current CEO Ross MacDiarmid steps down at the end of this week after 10 years at the helm. We met Ross on a number of occasions in the past 10 years at various coin launches, collecting events and most recently at the Numismatic Society of South Australia’s (NSSA) coin expo dinner in 2019. His commitment to coins, collectors, the Mint and having a genuine old chin wag was nothing but impressive.

The Blog team (Kathryn and Mark) wishes Ross all the best in his future endeavours and hope Friday brings lots of cake. Here’s one you prepared earlier!

Massive Dollar Coin Cake

Posted in Coin News

2021 50th Anniversary of the Aboriginal Flag Coloured $2

2021 Coloured Aboriginal Flag $2

2021 is the 50th Anniversary of the Australian Aboriginal flag and is depicted on this coloured $2 coin struck by the Royal Australian Mint. The striking representation of the flag on the coin shows a circular band of black and red with the central yellow sun left unpainted as the golden aluminium bronze alloy shines through. The bands are meticulously lined up in the printing process to feature the horizon. Underneath the coloured paint is always a textured surface allowing for adhesion of the paint and for this coin that raised surface features miniature flags.

The coin is set to circulate in 2021 but prior to this is available in collector sets. In uncirculated quality this is the 2021 mint set and in special proof version in the 2021 proof set. Each set has unlimited mintage. The mint set is available at issue price of $30 and the proof set is issued at $120.

2021 Aboriginal Flag Proof Set

2021 Aboriginal Flag Uncirculated Mint Set

Posted in Collecting Coins

2020 BRAVE Firefighters Coloured $2

BRAVE Firefighter $2 Circulating Coin

The brave firefighters protecting us from danger have been honoured in a special orange flame coloured $2 coin struck at the Royal Australian Mint. Two million of these coins have hit circulation to be found in change. A central coloured fireball sits afront two stylised firefighter figures, the left a female and male on the right standing back to back. The coin you might find in change is seen above.

The reverse is designed by Mint designer Aleksandra Stokic and features her AS initials. The obverse of the coin depicts the newest portrait of the Queen by Jody Clark with his initials JC.

The circulating coin has also been released in collector packaging by the Mint. The coin (in uncirculated condition) is housed in a capsule that presses into a small credit card sized presentation card. RRP of the coin in this pack is $10 and there is no limits on this packaging type.

BRAVE Firefighter $2 no mintmark circulating coin in card

As well as the circulating coin this commemorative firefighter reverse design has also been issued in collector packaging with a ‘C’ mintmark. This is a small C seen above the hose of the female firie. See below.

BRAVE Firefighter $2 ‘C’ Mintmark Card

The BRAVE firefighters ‘C’ mintmark coin is housed in the same collector packaging as the non-mintmarked coin but the card is much much larger in size. The ‘C’ mintmark has a limited mintage of 40,000 coins struck by the Mint. RRP for this issue is $15. General Manager at the Royal Australian Mint Mark Cartwright announced that $125,000 from the proceeds of the sale of the collector coins will go to fire and emergency service organisations across the country.

BRAVE Firefighter $2 ‘C’ Mintmark Card

Posted in Collecting Coins

Googled the Value of My Coin and it’s Worth Thousands -Where Do I Get The Money?

Is your coin really as valuable as Google tells you? Is something that someone said on the internet really true? Such a high number it says, now you’re interest is piqued -do you read on?

“Hey I’ve got a 1983 United States of America liberty coin I’ve looked it up and it’s going for 15K”

says a user of the Google search engine. So we Googled too. Where do I go to get the money?

Click image to enlarge

But did you watch the video? Oh wait no? This particular coin touted as worth $15,000 in the headline isn’t quite as it appears. It’s a baited title to get you to watch the video, click on the advertising and they rake in the money from those clicks. As you watch the video you learn that one time, way back (6 years ago now) a near perfect third party graded and encapsulated coin sold for this pricey sum. Since then the market has shifted, populations have changed and run-of-the-mill circulated examples for the same coin fetch just a few dollars. Sorry for the spoiler, did you already book the holiday?

Just recently a news story told of the Australian 1972 5c fetching $200. Oh wow, start the car! Let’s talk about this specific example. 8.3 million coins were minted for circulation which is a low number in circulating coin production statistics so if you find one in change it’s a harder to find year. The Mint manufactured uncirculated coin sets in 1972 and one can be easily picked up for $100. BINGO, a nicer quality coin and all it’s friends too! A single 1972 5c in uncirculated (not scuffed, scratched or toned) can be purchased for around $50. Then in the high end collector market you have the best of the best coins sent to PCGS or NGC to be independently graded, certified and encapsulated and these can fetch $100+, this value is then dependent on how many have been graded that high and how many collectors there are seeking that perfect of perfect coins. So to imply that the coin you’ll find in change that has been circulating for 48 years is going to be worth $200 is again misleading titles and clickbait.

Click image to enlarge

If you think you might have a valuable coin then it’s worth doing your own due diligence which is more than reading the title on a search result. Read thoroughly or watch the video to ensure you are getting truth. The don’t just check asking prices, see what your coin is actually selling for in the marketplace right now (check sold results on eBay). First check that the information is about your coin. Does it have the same mintmark, is it an error or variety -check the details on how to identify accurately, is it the correct year, the correct country, denomination, is it the finest known example of that coin, was it produced in low numbers for that year or only in sets -there are so many small details that can affect the value of a coin.

Posted in Collecting Coins

Australian 2010 Upset 50 cent (50c)

Click image to enlarge

In 2012 a new Australian 50 cent coin variety was discovered by coin noodlers*. This variety is an Upset Coin Error which means that the obverse and reverse dies were not aligned correctly when the coins were struck. Normally Australian coins are minted in medallic alignment, which means that the obverse and reverse sides of the coins are the same way up. Determining the degree of upset of these types of errors can be difficult. However, in the case of the 2010 upset 50 cent coin the degree of upset is easily determined because of the unusual dodecagonal (12 sided) shape of the coin. Any upset Australian 50c must be some multiple of 30 degrees unlike the 2001 Centenary of Federation one dollar upset error which is found in pretty much every degree of rotation.

It’s clear from the image above that the 2010 upset 50c error is 30 degrees upset. 30 degrees is equivalent to one of the sides of the Australian 50c coin. One can only speculate as to the reasons for the manufacture of this error. We would imagine that the coining dies are keyed to prevent them being installed out of alignment, so perhaps in this case the die was not keyed and it was installed incorrectly. Alternatively perhaps it was keyed but when the production die was hubbed perhaps it was out of alignment then.

Whatever the cause of this error it’s an interesting one and the mintage is likely to be only one production die run or less. This could mean that just 200,000 or less of this variety exist. At the time of writing examples of this variety have been selling on eBay for $50-$100. There might be some good potential growth in the value of this variety, especially if you can find an uncirculated example (or examples) to put away for a few years.

*Coin noodlers are collectors who withdraw thousands of coins from their bank and look through them looking for known errors and varieties. They then take the searched coins back to another bank and then repeat the process. Sometimes, such as in this case, they discover new varieties.

Posted in Error Coins

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AUD $17.33
Australian 1966 Round 50c
AUD $1,072.78
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AUD $1,342.97
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AUD $50.75
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AUD $4,556.85
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USD $0.6270
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These values are updated hourly using New York market prices. Coin values are purely the value of the gold or silver they contain and do not account for any numismatic value.
Prices Last Updated: 10:04 10 Feb 2025

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