1956 Melbourne Olympic Games Participation Medal

1956 Melbourne Olympic Games Participation Medal

1956 Melbourne Olympic Games Participation Medal

Commissioned by the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Committee this medal was designed by Andor Meszaros in 1955. The dies were produced by John Pinches of London and the medals struck by K.G Luke of Melbourne. 12,250 of these were struck in bronze of which 11,305 were formally issued, they are 63 millimetres in diameter and weigh 105 grams. Carlisle reference is c/1956/5.

This medal was the turning point in the career of Andor Meszaros (1900-1972) with these medals spreading his work around the globe as each participating country took their medal back to their home country.

Andor submitted designs for both the reverse and obverse of the commemorative medal. The obverse depicts, in relief, a design of athletes marching in pairs following a single figure bearing a banner with the Olympic device of rings and the motto of the International Olympic Committee Citius, Altius, Fortius. Just to the right of that single figure bearing the flag, along the edge is Meszaros’ signature and 1955. The reverse is a reproduction, in relief, of the Coat-of-Arms of the City of Melbourne surmounted by the five rings and bearing the inscription “Olympic Games Melbourne 1956”. Again the designers signature is depicted to the left of this Coat-of-Arms and to it’s right, the maker K.G Luke Ltd.

These were presented in a clear plastic case to all those involved in the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games (see table). Each runner in the torch relay was presented with their medal en route as the flame made it’s way from Cairns to Melbourne. Other competitors, officials etc are listed below.

Commemorative Medals
Group Ordered Issued
Guests of Honour 50 41
I.O.C 65 52
N.O.C 475 328
I.F. -President and Secretary 40 26
Organizing Committee 70 70
Attaches 80 75
Chefs de Mission 80 56
Arena Managers 25 21
Team Officials 600 589
Medical 100 159
Housing 25 9
Transport 25 11
Sub-Committees of Organizing Committee 70 67
Civic Committee 20 20
Sports Officials 2,165 1,927
Competitors 4,505 3,516
Torch Relay 3,000 2,981
Opening Ceremony 25 8
Arts Festival 750 768
Miscellaneous (including O.C. Staff and
voluntary helpers)
130 622
TOTAL 12,250 11,305

Semmens, Kelman. 1972. Andor Meszaros Sculptor
Sharples, John P. 1990. Medals as Art: Australia and the Meszaros Tradition
Carlisle, Leslie J. 2008 Australian Historical Medals 1788-1988
The Organizing Committee of the XVI Olympiad. 1958. The Official Report Of The Organizing Committee For The Games Of The XVI Olympiad Melbourne 1956

Posted in Medals

1959 Florin Emu Egg Variety

Australian 1959 Florin Reverse

Australian 1959 Florin Reverse

The Australian 1959 florin depicts a difference on the reverse die that doesn’t appear on coins of any other year. This difference is the appearance of an egg between the two emu’s legs. It’s called an egg but look closer and it really resembles a pointed arrow.


The funny thing is that every 1959 business or circulation strike florin has this variety so it’s not scarce or rare. It doesn’t appear on the 1959 proof florins.

Often listings of 1959 florins for sale state that their coin is the emu egg variety. You may be incorrectly alluded that you are purchasing a rare or scarce coin but do your homework. They all have eggs!

This problem is added to due to the fact that Renniks Australian Pre-Decimal Coin Varieties 1st ed (2005) lists the emu egg variety as scarce. I guess at a stretch it’s scarce if you’re looking at all florins with this reverse from 1938 to 1963, but for the 1959, I couldn’t even say common, it’s a given!


Maybe that’s how the “rare egg” illusion started. Imagine a 2014 20 cent is released and collectors notice a substantial cud or slight die variation different to the 20c of every other year, after some time though it’s realised that ALL 2014 20c have the cud/variation. It wouldn’t be rare or scarce or even different to every other 2014 twenty cent coin.

The 1959 emu egg

It is thought the egg appeared on the master die as a result of some sort of damage. It was then carried to all the working dies appearing on the resulting coin as a blob or cud.

The Emu Egg

The Emu Egg

Posted in Collecting Coins

Stuart Devlin Silver Surprise Eggs

  • Hare Surprise Egg

Artist, sculptor and Master Silversmith Stuart Devlin is well known in Australia as the designer of our iconic decimal coins, the echidna on the 5 cent, the lyrebird on the 10 cent, the platypus on the 20 cent and the mob of 5 kangaroos on the dollar coin are just some of his work that you can find in your pocket. He won a competition in 1963 to design the new coins for decimal changeover in 1966 and his work and achievements from then on will amaze you. Not content with his work in the hands of millions of Australians, Devlin has designed coins for 36 other countries and countless medallions. His achievements don’t end there with trophies, furniture and clocks created in his esteemed career as well as pieces with a practical use such as surgical instruments, goblets, cutlery and candelabra.

As a coin collector with broadening interests my heart leapt, when for a birthday a few years ago I was gifted a stunning silver surprise egg designed by the one and only master gold and silversmith Dr Stuart Devlin. This gift prompted a nest of eggs develop over the years with many taking on a Christmas theme, Nursery Rhyme or animals. Most are limited edition, each numbered with a certificate of authenticity and some numbered on the egg itself. All are sterling silver with a gilt finish and some enameling. Each egg has a different texture of finish. All bear the special Stuart Devlin silver hallmark.

Silver Flamingo Egg 1978, Silver Hedgehog Egg 1978, Silver Easter Chick Egg 1971

Silver Flamingo Egg 1978, Silver Hedgehog Egg 1978, Silver Easter Chick Egg 1971

Man Carrying Pig "Tom Tom the Pipers Son" Silver 1981 (limited to 200), Silver Humpty Dumpty Egg 1976, (my favourite) Four & Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie 1982 (limited to 200)

Man Carrying Pig “Tom Tom the Pipers Son” Silver 1981 (limited to 200), Silver Humpty Dumpty Egg 1976, (my favourite) Four & Twenty Blackbirds Baked in a Pie 1982 (limited to 200)

Silver Hare Egg 1969, Silver Kangaroo Egg 1974. These eggs are sprung loaded and both the Hare and the Kangaroos' Joey both jiggle about.

Silver Hare Egg 1969, Silver Kangaroo Egg 1974. These eggs are sprung loaded and both the Hare and the Kangaroos’ Joey both jiggle about.

Issued in boxes with certificates they haven’t all survived to date. Individual eggs however can fetch from $500-$1,000. As well as eggs, amongst his creations are surprise boxes and different shaped ornaments, mementos and “dustcatchers” as Mum would call them to sit on the mantle or in the special display cabinet but today they are highly collectable and were keenly sought even at their release.

Boxed Hare Egg with Certificate

Boxed Hare Egg with Certificate

Posted in Collectables and Ephemera

2014 The Great War Limited Edition PNC with Great Britain 2 Pound Coin

2014 The Great War PNC

2014 The Great War PNC

Remembering World War I which was known as The Great War up until World War II, 100 years ago. The Great War PNC marks the centenary of the outbreak of war and is limited to 2,500 individually numbered covers with a special red foil postmark. Issued by Australia Post on August 8th there will only be 2,500 of these PNC’s issued worldwide.

The PNC is a tri-fold presentation card which contains the coin in a built in capsule housed in an envelope with a Royal Mail 1st Class stamp and an Australian 70c stamp with a red foil cancellation postmark of Albany WA. Albany was where our Aussie troops departed Australian soil on November 1 1914. The commemorative coin is a British £2 2014 issue struck on a bi-metal planchet. The inner core is made from copper-nickel and the outer ring composed of nickel-brass. The uncirculated coin is edge inscribed with “The lamps are going out all over Europe”. The reverse of the coin features Lord Kitcheners call to arms “The First World War 2014-2018 Your country Needs YOU” designed to the coin by John Bergdahl and the obverse features Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley. This British commemorative coin is the first in a five year series remembering outbreak to armistice.

2014 The Great War PNC

2014 The Great War PNC

Posted in Coin News, Collecting Coins

Australia 1943s Shilling S over D Variety

1943s Shilling S over D Variety

1943s Shilling S over D Variety

The Australian 1943 shilling struck in San Francisco shows a distinctive S mintmark on the reverse and can be found with the variety seen above commonly known as the S over D variety. The only other Australian shilling struck in 1943 was plain which doesn’t have a mintmark and was struck in Melbourne. Some Australian threepence and sixpences were struck in 1943 in Denver, USA with a D mintmark hence the conclusion by some that the variety is some type of re-engraved or over-mint mark type where the S has been added over a partially removed or changed D.

This is however entirely incorrect.

The S mintmark on the San Francisco minted coin with the variety shown here does in fact feature a cud where a small portion of the die has broken away and left a blob of metal on the struck coin adding to the S mintmark. The cud happened in such a position that it does appear as if it was the rounded front of a D.

It is in fact a well known variety listed by Ian McConnelly in Australian Pre-Decimal Coin Varieties (2nd edition) as Very Scarce and known as the blob on front of mintmark S variety. Personally I like the S over D title with the added “but it’s just a cud”. The example featured here also shows a spur cud on the 9 of the date which can be found on some blob in front of S varieties but not all. This variety is one of the better known pre-decimal varieties and one to look out for.

Australia 1943 S Shilling Variety

Australia 1943 S Shilling Variety -closeup of blob on S mintmark

1943 s Shilling Spur (Cud) on 9

1943 s Shilling Spur (Cud) on 9

Posted in Collecting Coins, Error Coins

Australian 1966 Proof Set

Australian 1966 Proof Set

Australian 1966 Proof Set

In July 1967 the Royal Australian Mint began testing the proof coin equipment to make the first decimal proof coins after catching up with all the new decimal circulating coin requirements for the country because of decimal changeover in February 1966. After about 4 months of testing the process the Mint was proud of the resulting proof coins. Here’s the summary of their production method quoted from the Fourth Annual Report 1967-1968.

Dies: The proof coin dies after hardening are rough polished then sand-blasted to produce a matte surface. The table of the die is polished to a mirror finish, and then masked, while the design is again lightly sand-blasted. The face of the die is hard chrome plated before use.

Blanks: Normal production blanks are inspected, and unblemished blanks are selected for proof coin processing. The blanks are annealed on trays in an atmosphere-controlled belt-conveyor furnace, and then edge-marked. The 20c and 50c blanks are marked prior to annealing.
The blanks are buffed on linen buffing wheels using metal polish, ultrasonically cleaned in a volatile solution, and coined by a double-strike coining press. The finished coins are sprayed to prevent tarnishing before being packed in cases.

In October 1967 the first of the sets became available at $12.50 each (plus $1 postage) with an initial limit of 5 sets per order. This was said to be at cost for the Mint, a substantial hike on the previous prices for pre-decimal proof sets which were sold under cost. The sets however far superior than the last pre-decimal proof sets in the black plastic cases. The Mint ended up producing 18,054* 1966 proof sets between late 1967 and early 1969 retaining the 1966 date as it was the year Australia changed to decimal currency. Mint Controller at the time Mr J M Henderson wrote “initially the sets will be dated 1966 -that being an important year in Australian coinage history because of the change to decimal currency, the new coinage denominations and the new designs.” It wasn’t until 1969 that we saw a new proof set produced again with the new dodecagonal cupro-nickel 50 cent and in completely different sonically sealed packaging.

The 1966 proof coins were housed in velvet and satin-lined blue cases of which there are 2 types -light blue and dark blue. The coins were very easily mishandled being easily touched in the box causing spots, fingerprints and toning from the blue coloured felt and the environment. As such it’s difficult to find a pristine quality set with unimpaired coins.

Each set houses 6 coins all designed by Stuart Devlin:

  • 1c Feather-Tailed Glider Bronze Proof
  • 2c Frilled-Neck Lizard Bronze Proof
  • 5c Echidna Cupro-Nickel Proof
  • 10c Lyrebird Cupro-Nickel Proof
  • 20c Platypus Cupro-Nickel Proof
  • 50c Coat of Arms 80% Silver Round Proof
  • 1966 proof coin sets in the blue cases generally sell for anywhere from $250-$500 but this depends entirely on the condition of the coins. If you’re looking to add a 1966 proof set to your collection then given their susceptibility to damage it’s well worth considering a set that has been graded by PCGS. Such sets can be picked up for upwards of $500 for an average set with top sets selling for over $3,000. This proves condition is everything!

    *According to the Mint report of 1967-8 they had produced 10,514 1966 proof sets of which 8,939 had been sent to customers. The 1968-9 report adds another 45,240 individual coins for 7,540 sets. This totals 18,054 sets produced.

    1966 Proof Set Light Blue Box

    1966 Proof Set Light Blue Box

    1966 Proof Set Dark Blue Box

    1966 Proof Set Dark Blue Box

    Posted in Collecting Coins

    Prince George 1st Birthday Coin

    Great Britain Crown Prince George 1st Birthday

    Great Britain £5 Crown Prince George 1st Birthday (image courtesy The Royal Mint)

    Baby Prince George is celebrating his 1st birthday and for the occasion a commemorative £5 crown coin has been released by the Royal Mint in London. First born son of Prince William and Kate young HRH Prince George of Cambridge turns one on July 22nd 2014. We know this isn’t an Australian coin but having such close ties with the monarchy and just off a Royal Tour and visit by Baby George with his parents William and Kate in May this year Australia has certainly been hit by the Royal bug.

    The new coin bears the modern twist on the traditional Royal Arms in stunning sterling silver by Edgar Fuller. This design was created for Prince George’s Gramdmother, Queen Elizabeth II and was struck onto the 1953 crown issued to celebrate the coronation (see below figure 1). It’s the cruciform or cross-like version of the Royal Arms, a traditional design with a modern twist featuring four shields (2 of) England, Scotland and Ireland around an emblematic cross made from a shamrock, thistle, leek and rose around a central crown. This Royal Arms was also struck onto a British 5 shilling Crown in 1960 (see below figure 2).

    The first birthday of Prince George coin has a limited mintage of just 7,500 and is already sold out at the Royal Mint proving the little fellow, third in line to the British throne is hugely popular. Struck in proof (.925) sterling silver the £5 crown weighs 28.28 grams and is a large 38.61 millimeters in diameter with a milled edge. Issue price is £80 but I wouldn’t expect to pick one up for that price now the Royal Mint has sold out.

    Great Britain 1953 Crown Figure 1

    Great Britain 1953 Crown Figure 1

    Great Britain 1960 Crown

    Great Britain 1960 Crown Figure 2

    Posted in Coin News

    Royal Australian Mint Medal c1970-1984 C R/7

    Royal Australian Mint Medal C R/7

    Royal Australian Mint Medal C R/7

    This medal is a collector and souvenir tourist piece struck by the Royal Australian Mint and sold in the Mint shop from 1970 to 1984 (after which the design was changed). It’s catalogued in the Carlisle reference book as R/7 and is incorrectly labelled as circa 1966. One can infer from the shape of the 50c and the lack of dollar coin it’s issue was sometime from 1969 to 1984 -this is confirmed in the information below. The medal is 54 millimeters in diameter. Whilst the design didn’t change within this time the alloy and finish did with the medal being first struck in 70% copper 30% zinc (brass) antique finish followed later by 95% copper and 5% nickel as struck and bright gilt finish and much later (1982) the alloy updated to and 86% copper and 14% zinc bronze known as tombac.

    The box it was issued in changed over the years, the example above found in a small rectangular box and others in larger blue or brown boxes. All have velour lining and a material lined lid with words printed “ROYAL AUSTRALIAN MINT” on the inside and the Australian Coat of Arms on the outside lid. The below example housed in a brown vinyl flip case with green plush lining and the words “ROYAL AUSTRALIAN MINT” in small gold lettering printed on inner top lining of lid misaligned to the right. It is also seen in variations of the brown box – blue box, blue lining, blue writing.

    The Chief Engraver at the Royal Australian Mint at the time (1970) and the Mint’s first Chief Engraver Vambola Veinberg designed the medal with his initials V V seen below the tree to the right of the Mint building. Interestingly Mr Veinberg designed the gold and opal ornate scissors used to cut the ribbon opening the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1932.

    Australian Historical Medals 1788-1988 by Leslie J Carlisle is unable to give a mintage of this medal so I’ve super-sleuthed through the Royal Australian Mint annual reports for the mintages.

    1969-1970 Mint Medal photograph. No mintage provided. Alloy 70 Copper 30 Zinc Florentine finish Diameter 2.125″
    1970-71 Mint medal A total of 1,544 Mint Medals were struck in 70/30 brass with a florentine finish.
    1971-72 Brass 20 pieces
    1972-73 Brass 566 pieces
    1973-74 Brass 88 pieces
    1974-75 Brass 440 pieces
    1975-76 Cupro-Nickel 856 pieces
    1976-77 Cupro-Nickel 95/5 2205
    1977-78 Cupro-Nickel 95/5 2,798, Gilt 398
    1978-79 Cupro-Nickel 95/5 Gilt 1000
    1979-80 Cupro-Nickel 95/5 3545, Gilt 1413
    1980-81 Copper-Nickel 95/5 2000, Gilt 1000

    Totals 17,873 in all finishes note: may also be contained in RAM annual reports not accessible by the author.

    The Australian Coin Review Magazine September 1970
    The Royal Australian Mint has produced a handsome medal that should excite the interest of all collectors, particularly those in Australia. It shows the Mint on one side and an arrangement of all Australian decimal coins and a spray of wattle on the other.
    The medal has a diameter of 2 1/8 inches, weighs 2 1/3 ounces and is finished in an antique Florentine bronze. It is packed in a plush-lined presentation box and is available at the Mint Canberra for $5.00 or by post $5.50. The initial striking will be 1000 in bronze and it is possible that a number may be struck in silver if the demand indicates a requirement.”

    I have not seen the silver example mentioned above which I tend to think wasn’t struck.

    Royal Australian Mint Medal C R/7

    Royal Australian Mint Medal C R/7

    The similar medal struck from 1984-1988 can be found here: Royal Australian Mint medal 1985-1988 Carlisle R/8

    Posted in Collecting Coins

    Downies Australian Coin Auction #317

    We were in Melbourne this last week for four days attending our first full Downies Coin Auction. We’ve visited Downies on many occasions before, attended auction viewings and other Australian public auctions but this was our first full auction attendance at Downies. Auction #317 was the second auction held by Downies this year and comprised nearly 3,500 lots. Types of lots included coins (duh), banknotes, military medals, tokens, agricultural medals, stamps, books, postcards, cigarette cards, and memorabilia such as documents and movie collectables. The auction itself ran from 2pm of the afternoon of Tuesday 8 July and concluded at about 5pm on Thursday 10 July. Lots could be viewed all of last week (30 June to 4 July) and on Monday and Tuesday of the actual auction week. Priority was given to interstate visitors for viewing on the Monday and Tuesday.

    We thought it would be good to present our report for this auction in the form of a day by day diary rather than as a simple report. That way we would give people an idea of what it was like to attend an auction of this scale from the eyes of first timers like ourselves.

    Day 1 – Monday 7 July

    Our flight was due to leave for Melbourne at 6.10am and wouldn’t you know it, our car had a flat battery. I still think of it as a new car but just 3 weeks out of warranty the cold Adelaide winter morning got the better of it. And of course it was blocking our garage preventing us from getting out the spare car! So there we were at 4.30am pushing the dead car down our drive (after failing a reverse jump start) and parking it on the road. The pair of us (and our luggage) were hastily packed into our other vehicle and we dashed for the airport about 15 minutes behind schedule. After parking our car we found the security line snaking all around the terminal and virtually out the door into the dark cold morning. Of course it was, the first day of the school holidays here, not something we’d planned for either. Thankfully the line moved quickly and we arrived at our gate with enough time to spare to take a deep breath and board the plane.

    Melbourne Airport Arrival

    Melbourne Airport Arrival

    The flight itself was smooth and quick but due to congestion we ended up doing circuits of Melbourne airport for nearly as long as the actual flight took and then spent some time on a tarmac waiting for a big A380 super jumbo to land. Regardless, we disembarked, collected our bag, and got straight onto an Airport Express bus and arrived at Southern Cross Station in the Melbourne CBD at around 9.00am. We caught a transfer to our hotel, checked in, gathered ourselves and freshened up before heading to our favourite Melbourne coin store for a couple of hours. We’d decided to do this BEFORE viewing auction lots because it was going to be quick and it’s an easy way of getting into the “coin mood”. After picking up a few coins we headed out for lunch to fuel up and made our way to Downies in the Block Arcade which is on the corner of Elizabeth and Collins Streets. The auction rooms are downstairs from the main arcade with the stairs right by the Elizabeth Street entrance to the arcade.

    The viewing room is a brick lined vault-like space set up with an open rectangle of trestle tables and chairs. The tables are decked with desk lamps, auction catalogues, bidder registration forms, and lot viewing forms. To view a lot the viewing form must be filled in with your name and address and in the space provided you must fill in the lot numbers you want to see. Downies staff collect the forms periodically and fetch your lots from storage and mark the form to show that you have received the lot. Once viewed each lot is collected by the staff member and then crossed off your viewing list. Make sure you’ve worked out which lots you want to view BEFORE attending the session because you’ll want to spend all your time looking at lots rather than browsing the catalogue. Also make sure you take your loupe, a pen and notepad, and of course, a drink to keep yourself refreshed. Take notes on each lot you view that you’re going to bid on and don’t be scared to ask for a lot back if you want to look at it again a bit later. We looked at perhaps, 100 lots between 1.30pm and 5:00pm and had to leave at closing time with plans to return the next day.

    Day 2 – Tuesday 8 July

    After a quick brekkie at “Brown Bagels”, our favourite Melbourne specialist bagel hole in the wall cafe we headed back to the Block Arcade for another viewing session. 9:30am opening time with priority for interstate viewers we were set for another 2.5 hours of solid viewing to get through as many lots as we could. It’s best to take a look at a lot in person than to take a gamble during the auction. Winding up just before midday it was time to have some lunch before the start of the auction.

    Just before 2pm bidders flooded into another room underneath the Block Arcade setup with seating and a row of trestle tables at the back with a table up front for the auctioneer and his assistant. We’d already registered to bid but those that hadn’t could do so with the staff out the front and once that was done you are ready to show your hand. Before the actual auction could start the auctioneer had to run though details about the session including lot corrections or withdrawals and bidding rules. We were also warned to turn our mobile phones off or be “fined” during the auction if it rang! We immediately put our phones on silent and took advantage of the free internet available. Strongest prices achieved were the decimal error coins with examples of wrong planchet 10c on 5c errors fetching $2,800 and $2,900 each on $750 estimates to an anonymous phone bidder. Clearance rates in the decimal section was well over 97% with very very few unsold lots (15 unsold/706 lots).

    Impressive 1981 2c with Large Straight Clipped Planchet

    Impressive 1981 2c with Large Straight Clipped Planchet

    Day 3 – Wednesday 9 July

    The great thing about an auction with such a broad range of lots is that you can skip entire sessions if the content isn’t your thing. So we took advantage of the militaria, token, medallion, cigarette and sports card section to wander the city checking in on other dealers such as Peter Strich Stamps and Coins who is on the cusp of retirement. After morning tea with our friends from the Numismatic Association of Victoria we grabbed some lunch and headed back for the afternoon proclamation, Australian gold coin, and pre-decimal coin session. One of us had wanted to head back to the auction earlier for the taxidermy section to bid on a stunning lot comprising of stuffed mice fishing off a model yacht but sadly for one author (and happily for the other) we missed out. To the proud new owner one of us hopes they bring you great joy. The other author hopes you don’t get fleas from it.

    Highlight of the Taxidermy section -a pair of fishing mice

    Highlight of the Taxidermy section -a pair of fishing mice

    The afternoon session began with a higher unsold rate than we’d seen the day before but the pre-decimal proof coins 1925 to 1963 proved strong with some very high value examples finding new homes. Two proof 1937 crowns sold for $18,000 and $20,000 respectively and a 1938 proof for $27,000 plus the 19.25% buyers commission added to every sale lot. A highlight of the pre-decimal section was a very sorry looking 1930 penny but with an amazing story behind it. $5,200 bought a genuine 1930 penny, holed at the top, worn by an Aussie digger through WWII around his neck with his dog tags, it was so named his “lucky penny”. It was worn by the vendors grandfather and was attributed to getting him through the war and home alive. It’s fair to say the new owner paid about $1,500 for the coin and the balance of $4,000 or so for the story. We’re sure it will sit beautifully in someone’s militaria collection.

    We left the auction at the close of business and had a meal with our coin friends. Another great thing about attending this kind of auction is that it brings together collectors and dealers countrywide and also one dealer of note from New Zealand so a catch-up was always going to happen. A great meal, a good laugh and a chat about the ups and downs of coin collecting and the coin market made for an interesting evening out.

    Day 4 -Thursday 10 July

    The final session we attended dealt with world coins. We arrived at 9:30am and noticed immediately that the session was going to be quieter than the day before. There sure are very different collectors in the different auction sections and this morning began with ancients and Chinese coins. A large Chinese silver pattern dollar of 1907 in PCGS MS63 caught our eye with lovely iridescent blue toning and it certainly caught the eye of bidders. Bidding was fierce with bidders on the phone influencing the high prices achieved. The rest of the Chinese material sold strongly including a number of lots of medals and amulets that (apparently) had not seen the light of day since the early 20th century. Once the Chinese material concluded quite a few people left and things settled down to a steady pace for the remainder of the session. One thing to note was the lots of packeted world coins that were owned by numismatic author, William Craig. We’d viewed a few of these lots and they were not what we’d consider the highest quality, but all of them cleared and some fetched some strong prices.

    Once the session had finished we were done and grabbed some lunch and made our way to the airport. The afternoon session was banknotes which we missed but take a look at the Downies Auction Report from Sterling & Currency.

    The trip home worked out much better (clearly Murphy wasn’t watching). Through a series of happy coincidences we managed to get onto a flight that left two hours earlier than we had planned. This meant we arrived home early enough to stop for a leisurely Indian meal before walking through our front door at about 7pm. Trip Over!

    What We’d Do Differently Next Time

    We did our best to prepare fully for this auction including doing market research on coins we might be interested in. This proved to be incredibly useful while viewing. However, we hadn’t looked at the catalogue closely enough and we realised during certain sessions that there were other lots we really should have looked at. During the viewing itself we were careful to inspect every lot we had marked before hand but still somehow we managed to miss looking at a number of coins, and then miss them again when we worked through the lots to make sure we’d seen everything. Next time we’ll have to use a coloured highlighter to mark lots to ensure we don’t miss them. The final thing we did wrong (well not we, just one of us) was bid on something we hadn’t looked at. Never ever do that. Even though this time it worked out OK (one of the authors is snickering now) next time it could be a disaster.

    Posted in Coin News

    2014 AIATSIS Circulation 50 Cent

    Australia 2014 Circulation 50 cent AIATSIS (image courtesy www.ramint.gov.au)

    Australia 2014 Circulation 50 cent AIATSIS (image courtesy www.ramint.gov.au)

    You will soon find a new circulation 50 cent in your change with the Royal Australian Mint this week releasing 2 million of the AIATSIS 50c coin celebrating 50 years of the institute dedicated to recognising and appreciating the values and culture of our indigenous people. The coin was officially launched last week at an event at Parliament House in Canberra attended by the Prime Minister in time for NAIDOC week July 6-13 2014. The coin seen above is for circulation and a coloured version has been minted for the collector market.

    The reverse of the coin features part of the AIATSIS logo, a representation of a shield derived from the painted boomerang totem (fighting shield) of the Gu:na:ni (Kunjen) people from the Mitchell River region of the Gulf of Carpentaria and a piece in the AIATSIS collection of indigenous treasures the institute cares for. The design bears 2 boomerangs with circles, lines and dots. The portrait of Queen Elizabeth II is depicted on the obverse by Ian Rank-Broadley.

    AIATSIS, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies is an internationally recognised institute celebrating it’s 50th year. Having such a coin in circulation hopes to remind those as they receive one in change of the culture and contributions of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders to the country and Australian society.

    2 million is a very small number of coins issued for circulation and finding one in change or from the bank is the only way to obtain one of these non-coloured circulation fifty cent coins.

    Posted in Coin News

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