Error Coin Spotlight – 2001 20 Cent Struck on Bi-Metal Planchet

2001 20 Cent on Bi-Metal Planchet

Above you can see a truly spectacular error, a 2001 Australian 20 cent struck on a bi-metal planchet. Wrong or foreign planchet errors are at the apex of desirability for Australian error collectors, and errors like this coin that are so obviously wrong are the most wanted of the bunch. Struck on a 10.66g planchet with a nickel or copper-nickel core surrounded by a brass or aluminium bronze ring, this 2001 20c is not the first error of this type sighted. That honour belongs to an example that appeared in 2007 Downies Auction where it sold for about $3500. The example you can see above surfaced this year and was the subject of an article of an article in the September 2017 Edition (page 10) of the Australasian Coin and Banknote Magazine.

It then appeared in Downies Auction 325 (lot 1785) where it was incorrectly described as the discovery coin from 2007. The coin sold for $8000 plus commission of 20% in that auction. The coin has been wiped (cleaned) sometime in the past, with the very first images of the coin posted online in early 2017 by the original owner clearly showing the cleaning applied by some mis-guided individual trying to ‘improve the coin’.

How does this type of error occur? So called ‘blank contamination’, where coin blanks of one type inadvertently contaminate the supply of another type. This could happen at the source of the blanks, which in this case was likely to be a company in South Korea. That company makes hundreds of different types of coin blanks and it’s not to difficult to imagine that every now and again a blank of one type could end up contaminating the supply of another type. For example, in the the Australian $1 coin on a bi-metal planchet was a result of that sort of contamination. Alternatively it could happen at the mint of origin when blanks of one type of coin minted contaminate the blank supply of another. For example, this 1944s florin on a shilling planchet, struck in San Francisco when the US mint was manufacturing both Australian florins and shillings (and threepences for that matter).

One of the two major Australian coin catalogues mentions the discovery piece for this error where it’s vaguely described as being struck “on a blank for a foreign customer”. We’ve got a more firm opinion having conducted a survey of all bi-metal coins from the 2000 and 2001 periods. The only coin which matches the specifications of the blanks these errors were struck on is KM#1262 , the Iranian 250 Rials. That coin weighs 10.7g, with a brass ring and a copper nickel core. It’s more than likely that blanks for the 250 rial coins of the period are the source of the blank that these amazing bi-metal errors were struck on.

Posted in Error Coins

2017 20c Struck on Cook Islands 2 Dollar Planchet

Australian 2017 20 Cent Struck on Cook Islands $2 Planchet

Above you can see one of the most spectacular errors to come out of the Royal Australian Mint since the Australian 20c and dollar coins struck on bi-metal planchets. Or perhaps an error by the Royal Mint accidentally striking Australian 20c on Hong Kong scalloped planchets back in 1981. This coin above is truly a one in a million, or perhaps one in 50 million or even a billion. Falling from a mint roll this coin is absurdly wrong for an Aussie 20 cent piece. Firstly it’s the wrong shape, our coins are round right? Yes, this coin is triangular! Next it’s the wrong colour, appearing aluminium bronze like our one and 2 dollar coins and not as a cupro-nickel 20 cent should. Not like any of the other coins in the roll.

That’s because the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra has made a terrible mistake…….

A planchet intended to become a Cook Islands 2 dollar coin has accidently got mixed up in the barrel of blanks intended to strike Australian 20c cents. This error is not improbable as the Mint struck $2 coins for the Cook Islands dated 2015 over the past few years. What an incredible error coin though to find for just 20 cents! Technically though it is an Australian 20c, but worth a lot more to coin collectors. This coin error is known as a wrong planchet error, foreign planchet error and off-metal planchet error, what a stunning coin.

Update 14 December 2017

This coin appeared in the Universal Coin Company December live auction where it sold for AUD$9600 plus AUD$1440 buyers premium. It appears there was a problem with that sale or the buyer as the vendor then sold the coin on eBay in August 2018 for $8,400 now in a PCGS slab graded MS66 (35489365).

Posted in Error Coins

Collecting the Australian 2 Dollar Coin

2017 Remembrance C mintmark -the latest release from the Mint (image courtesy

2017 Remembrance C Mintmark -the latest release from the Mint (image courtesy

Collecting the Australian $2 coin continues to be a very popular pastime with more and more commemorative coins released in the last few years. The Royal Australian Mint has just released its’ annual report for the 2016-2017 fiscal year which adds to the official mintages of many issues. I’ve spent some time updating a fairly recent article page on the Coin Blog that lists each circulation $2 coin and mintage. Stay tuned for more special coloured 2 dollar coin announcements in the coming weeks. Soon to be released is a Remembrance themed coloured $2 coin featuring rosemary and rosemary flowers. New coins will be making their way into your pockets soon.

The “Circulating Australian Two Dollar Coins” article page can be found in the header above by clicking the dropdown “The Australian Dollar Coin” or click this link.

Posted in Collecting Coins

Royal Australian Mint Visits Adelaide


Click image to enlarge

The Trans-Australia tour rolled into Adelaide today and setup in Rundle Mall this morning. Nestled amongst our own bronze pigs in the city mall the Royal Australian Mint stood out with passers by very interested on what the queue was for. Some left puzzled at our desire to obtain new coins for face value. Others jumped in the queue to join the fun. New shiny coins -WOW! The line-up was certainly not for the latest iPhone.

The Mint is open in the Mall today from 9am-4pm with limits on face value coin purchases changing throughout the day. New coins included the 2017 coloured $2 mosaic Lest We Forget coin, the 2017 dated 100 Years of ANZAC dollar, 50c Pride and Passion Mabo 50c and 2016 Decimal Changeover 5 cent bags. As well as the face value coinage tent visitors could purchase an Australia counterstamp Trans-Australian Railway dollar (for $10) with the mobile press in attendance (not doing a roaring trade I’m afraid). It was the circulating coins that were more eagerly sought. Other RAM product such as the Ford coins and Possum Magic sets were also available.

All in all it was great to see the Mint make an effort and come to town. It was also great to see the president of the Numismatic Society of South Australia handing out flyers for the upcoming coin show in Adelaide November 18-19. Coin collecting in Adelaide is the thing to do!


Click image to enlarge

Posted in Coin News

2015 Netball World Cup 20 Cent Counterstamp and Mintage Information

2015 Netball World Cup 20c with S counterstamp

2015 Netball World Cup 20c with S counterstamp

As one of the writers here on the Aussie Coin Blog I often sometimes almost by accident discover information that isn’t in plain sight to the everyday coin collector. Open up a coin catalogue, see a number, either a mintage number or a value and take that at “face value”. But should you? I was researching an obscure Royal Australian Mint (RAM) release, a non-circulating coin celebrating the Netball World Cup held in Sydney in 2015. This coin is selling for under issue price which I felt was underrated and this coin was perhaps a “sleeper” and it appears I was right. Taking the time to look at the details here is what it is and what mintage information I found digging through that provided by the RAM in their annual reports.

This coin was issued in a yellow collector card and a PNC, then also in a collector card with an S counterstamp. This was the first time a counterstamp was applied to a 20 cent coin in Australia. Collectors could purchase the non-counterstamped coin in the collector card for just $12 from dealers or the Mint. The PNC also contained the non-counterstamped coin and was issued by Australia Post for $19.95 with a mintage noted on the back of the envelope “limited to 9,000” but the RAM report lists 10,002 coins. The S counterstamp was applied to the coin by the mobile press in Sydney during the Netball World Cup from August 7th-16th 2015. Available for $15 you either had to be at FanFEST, Allphones Arena Olympic Park Sydney or be a RAM “Legends” member which meant you could order 5 coins over the phone. This counterstamped coin (in the same yellow card packaging with added silver sticker) would appear to be an extremely low mintage, much less than the maximum 30,000 the Mint expected to sell and what is printed on the coin packaging.

2015 Netball World Cup 20c in yellow card
Expected mintage 30,000. Actual mintage 7,000 (2015-16 RAM annual report)

2015 Netball World Cup 20c in yellow card S counterstamp
Expected mintage 30,000. Actual mintage 2,892 (2015-16 RAM annual report)

2015 Netball World Cup 20c PNC
Expected mintage 9,000. Australia Post limited mintage 9,000. Mint report production 10,002. (2014-15 RAM annual report)


Click image to enlarge

Posted in Collecting Coins

eBay Error Coins of the Week

It’s time to have a look at some of the most interesting error coins available to Australian buyers via eBay auctions or BIN listings.

1976 Broadstrike Error 5 Cent

The broadstrike coin error is the most commonly available error on the decimal 5 cent coin. However, in almost all examples the coins date to this century and it’s unusual to see one dating back to 1976. But in the case of this eBay auction we’ve got exactly that, a broadstruck 1976 5 cent in a decent (and perhaps uncirculated) grade. This coin appears from the images to be a nice example of an earlier date copper nickel Australian decimal coin with this type of error. Realising $228.40 plus postage, the auction now complete achieved a high price.

View the 1976 Broadstrike 5 Cent on eBay

1946 Shilling Broadstrike Error

Another broadstrike coin error, this one on a shilling dating 3 decades prior to the last coin we talked about. While not technically an off-centre error (because none of the design is missing) it wouldn’t surprise us to see it called thus with an impressive bulging lip around about half of the coin. Shilling errors of this type are not unusual but examples from 1946 are a bit harder to find. As is typical with this type of error the protected side of the coin (reverse) is an excellent grade (perhaps UNC) while the obverse shows some signs of wear. Despite this the coin looks to be a nicely broadstruck shilling from more than 60 years ago.

1946 Shilling Broadstrike Error

1962 Penny Rotated Die or Upset Die Error Set

Australian coins are typically struck in medal alignment and in most cases any other angles result in the upset or rotated die coin error. Similar to the better known 2001 Centenary of Federation upset error 1962 upset pennies can be found with any degree of upset. This eBay seller has put together a so-called ‘clock face’ of 1962 upset errors with 12 coins at each hour of the clock face. It’s an interesting set and the first of the type we’ve seen. In fact, we very rarely see a single 1962 upset penny, let alone a set of 12!

1962 Penny Rotated Die or Upset Die Error Set

Information provided in this article is our opinion only on the coin depicted in the images shown in the eBay listing. It is not an endorsement of any seller and any purchase our readers make through eBay is at their own risk and adheres to eBay’s terms and conditions.

Posted in Error Coins

New Next Generation Australian $10 Banknote Release

Expect to see the next generation new $10 banknotes in your change from tomorrow as the Reserve Bank of Australia releases the new note into circulation. This is the next step in the upgrade of our banknotes to be continued through the next few years. As with the next generation $5 note introduced a year ago the new tenner will be quite similar in appearance as the old note but with enhanced security features, anti-counterfeiting improvements and additional tactile features for the vision impaired. The colours remain the same and the new notes still feature AB ‘Banjo’ Paterson and Dame Mary Gilmore.

Posted in Banknotes

eBay Error Coins of the Week

It’s time to have a look at some of the most interesting error coins available to Australian buyers via eBay auctions or BIN listings.

Australia 1964 Ramstrike Penny

The ramstrike or high lip coin error is a favourite among collectors. The error is a result of the coin blank not engaging properly with the collar die when struck and part of the blank is extruded as the blank is driven down into the anvil die by the hammer die. In this case, as the high lip is on the reverse of the coin the obverse was the anvil die and the reverse the hammer die.

If you’re looking for a high grade example of the ramstrike then the 1964M penny is probably going to be the easiest to find. The example in this auction has a decent sized bulging lip, is mostly toned brown, but still has a decent amount of remaining mint red and looks like it would be a good example of the type.

View the 1964M Ramstrike Penny on eBay

1946 Florin struck with Broken Die Error

There are broken dies and then there are broken dies. The 1946 florin in this auction was struck when the reverse die has cleanly broken into two parts with one segment shifting a millimetre or two away from the other. What’s more it appears that the broken part of the die has tilted slightly. The result is a massive reverse die crack and extensive strike weakness due to the broken part of the die tilting or moving when the coin was struck. A quite remarkable error and not one we’ve seen before.

View the 1946 Florin struck with Broken Die Error on eBay

Buyer Beware

We only found a couple of errors worth posting up this week but while we were looking about we saw a number of coins with multiple bids that were being sold as errors but were clearly NOT errors. We remind our readers to educate themselves with regards to the coin manufacturing process and to never bid on anything that they are unsure about. We also encourage you to read our These Coins ARE NOT Errors article as at least a couple of the “errors” we saw with multiple bids are excellent examples of fabricated errors we talk about in that article.

Information provided in this article is our opinion only on the coin depicted in the images shown in the eBay listing. It is not an endorsement of any seller and any purchase our readers make through eBay is at their own risk and adheres to eBay’s terms and conditions.

Posted in Error Coins

Coloured 2017 Possum Magic $2 Coins In Circulation

Left: Week 1 blue Invisible Hush, Middle: Week 2 purple Vegemite Hush, Right: Week 3 orange Happy Hush (images courtesy

Left: Week 1 blue Invisible Hush, Middle: Week 2 purple Vegemite Hush, Right: Week 3 orange Happy Hush (images courtesy

All three coloured Possum Magic coins can now be found in circulation so it’s worth posting up an article with them side by side to see the differences in the designs and colours used. The collectable $2 coins all have a magical ring of multi-colour. It’s this colour that makes the coin most identifiable from a distance and when you’re glancing down at your change in your hand it can be hard to tell. Although the coloured “magical dust” ring is made up 5 different colours, one colour appears dominant when you look at the coins together. The first coin blue, then purple, and one orange.

The first blue coin is titled “Invisible Hush hangs from a tree”. It shows the backside of Hush hanging upside down with her tail curled around a tree branch, her head peering forward. Whilst the coin appears predominantly blue, the coloured ring is made up of dark blue, pale blue, green, pink and orange stars. The legends read “POSSUM MAGIC TWO DOLLARS”. The obverse is the standard head of Queen Elizabeth II we see on all coins dated 2017 by Ian Rank Broadley. 2 million of these coins have been sent into circulation, struck by the Royal Australian Mint and distributed via the security companies through Woolworths supermarkets.

The second purple coin is titled “After eating a Vegemite sandwhich Hush can see her tail again”. It shows invisible Hush holding a Vegemite sandwich with a bite taken looking back at her now visible tail. Whilst the coin appears predominantly purple, the coloured ring is made up of purple, dark pink, light pink, orange and pale blue stars. The legends read “POSSUM MAGIC TWO DOLLARS”. The obverse is the standard head of Queen Elizabeth II we see on all coins dated 2017 by Ian Rank Broadley. 2 million of these coins have been sent into circulation, struck by the Royal Australian Mint and distributed via the security companies through Woolworths supermarkets.

The third orange coin is titled “Happy Hush is visible again”. It shows a jubilant Hush as she is able to be seen again. Whilst the coin appears predominantly orange, the coloured ring is made up of orange, red, dark pink, yellow and pale blue stars. The legends read “POSSUM MAGIC TWO DOLLARS”. The obverse is the standard head of Queen Elizabeth II we see on all coins dated 2017 by Ian Rank Broadley. 2 million of these coins have been sent into circulation, struck by the Royal Australian Mint and distributed via the security companies through Woolworths supermarkets.

Posted in Coin News

Possum Magic Week 3 Coloured $2 Coin

image courtesy

image courtesy

Check your change at Woolworths this week as the last of the 3 Possum Magic coins are now available. There’s a chance you could receive any of the three coloured coins that are now in circulation. The week 3 coin is mostly orange coloured and depicts Happy Hush as she’s visible again from the popular Mem Fox children’s tale “Possum Magic”.

Week 2 and 3 coins appear similar in colour so if that confuses you look closely for the Vegemite sandwich -that’s a week 2 coin. The week 2 Vegemite sandwich Hush is a more purpley coloured coin and the Week 3 Happy Hush more orange.

All three new coloured 2 dollar coins have been minted by the Royal Australian Mint and are being distributed through the tills at Woolworths supermarkets. Most stores are adhering to store policy of “pot luck” change distribution so personally I’ve been purchasing a whole hand of bananas one at a time though the self-checkout (yes checkout staff, that’s exactly what I was doing) and I’ve received quite a few that way although it’s very random. Checkout staff may give you up to 2 coins in change when you make a purchase, again adhering to the policy set by Woolworths. Other staff have freely given as many coins as requested by the customer, handed over opened security bags and even unopened bags are now appearing for sale on sites such as eBay -that’s less in the tills for my random banana purchasing.

Have a read of our previous articles on Week 1 blue Invisible Hush and Week 2 purple Hush eats a Vegemite sandwich. You can also pick up these coins in a complete collection the 2017 Possum Magic coin collection.

Posted in Coin News

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AUD $17.59
Australian 1966 Round 50c
AUD $1,080.75
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AUD $1,352.94
Australian $200 Gold Coin
AUD $51.50
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AUD $4,590.69
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USD $0.6351
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These values are updated hourly using New York market prices. Coin values are purely the value of the gold or silver they contain and do not account for any numismatic value.
Prices Last Updated: 16:04 07 Mar 2025

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