We provide this list of events free of charge and hope that Australian coin collectors find it of some use. If you’ve got an event coming up that you’d like to see here please contact us and let us know.
Note that we provide this information as supplied to us and take no responsibility for it’s accuracy. If you’re going to attend an event contact the organisers prior to ensure you’re going on the right day and time.
COVID-19 NOTICE -events can change abruptly if covid restrictions come into place in towns, cities or states. Please consider this when viewing this calendar as it may not have been updated to reflect recent changes.
Event Information:
Fri20Mar2020cancelledHobart, Tas
*Cancelled* Eureka! Gold Rush Roadshow. Coin Swap (Royal Australian Mint)
Elizabeth Mall, Hobart, Tasmania. Swap real money (cash only) for the latest coloured $2 coin issues (Police Remembrance and 75th Ann. End of WWII), QANTAS Centenary $1 and 2020 dated circulating coins (JC effigy) at this event. Strike an 'Australia' counterstamp onto a Eureka! Australia's Gold Rush $1 coin and purchase new release coins.