If you have been wondering where the 2015 (22nd) edition of the Pocket Guide to Australian Coins and Banknotes by Greg McDonald is then you’ll be relieved to hear that news is at hand. Usually a new Aussie coin catalogue is published every year and is generally found in your Christmas stocking being distributed early December just in time for Santa. After 18 months and unforseen illness the new coin book is at the printers and is expected to be
IN STORES June 10th 15th* July 1 JULY 10-15 Early August
So talk to your dealer about securing your copy, it’s advertised as having a lot of positive improvements on last years 21st edition.
*edit 3/6 the proposed date has met with yet another delay.
*edit 22/6 a further delay sees the estimated date now July 1st.
*edit 28/6 keeping collectors updated the new revised date as advised by the author is now July 10-15.
*edit 29/7 latest communication is the book is leaving the printers tomorrow for deliveries around Australia. Sydney by the end of the week, other states next week,