If you know what we're talking about then you're a hardcore coin collector because this coin catalogue is known as the bible of Australian coin collecting. Even for the amateur this handy reference can be found in local public libraries and is essential to looking up the who what where when of coin issues by the Royal Australian Mint and the Perth Mint. This catalogue is found in every Australian coin collectors library and is routinely carried to coin shows and coin shops.
The 2014 (21st edition) is being shipped to Australia from Singapore as we write this and is expected to be in dealer hands the second week of December. This is the first issue to be printed offshore to the disapointment of the author. Nevertheless the latest Macca's should be in collector hands by Christmas. This issue is Greg's 26th publication in 31 years and he's the founder of the Australasian Coin and Banknote Magazine.
If you're thinking of picking up a copy of the latest Australian Coins and Banknotes we have committed to purchasing a bulk number of books offered at a discount to the retail price of $39.95. If you wish to pre-order a book for $35 delivered to your Australian address please head over to The Purple Penny webshop. Pre-purchase and pre-pay so we can have your new book in the mail the day after we receive them and in your Christmas stocking soon!
Posted by harrisk at November 19, 2013 9:38 AM
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