Adelaide Coin and Stamp Show
The weekend of October 12 and 13 saw a Stamp show held in Adelaide that was a hive of activity for coin collectors too. Amongst the tables of stamp dealers and stamp collectors it was a surprise to see so much interest in coins. Canberra dealer Leo Jakimow mixes stamps with coins as does Gerry McGinley from At the Toss of a Coin and Cover Connection. Specialised coin sellers such as The Purple Penny and Ye Olde Coin Co attended as well as Barrie Newman from The Adelaide Mint and displays from the Numismatic Society of South Australia. Numismatics aside the show offered a host of Stamp dealers and a stamp auction each day to fill in the time. There were also philatelic exhibits for browsing. Australia Post was in attendance doing something stamp/postmark related which we can't report on -our apologies there for not being stamp minded. Special Congress souvenirs including overprints and special cancellations were also available. There was also a surprising interest in postcards.

The Adelaide Mint
All this was held in the Drill Hall, at the Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide city -the historical place where we saw off our troops to the Boer War, First and Second World Wars. Even though it's right in the city there's plenty of free parking and ample lighting inside for an event such as a stamp show. My comments to show organisers after the show was that it be renamed a stamp and coin show because of the increased interest by coin collectors teaming with the stampies for this occasion. Not having any dedicated coin shows here in Adelaide and very few ANDA events it was a show we had looked forward to.
The two days flew by and hosted by the Philatelic Society of South Australia their 125th Anniversary event was very successful. The free entry to show visitors was also well received and at a $30 a table fee the cost to be part of the event was very affordable. Named the "SAPC State Congress" for 2013 such a grand name didn't immediately leap out as "Adelaide Coin and Stamp Show -come on down" but collectors did and a grand show was had by all.

Numismatic Society of South Australia Members Medallion Display
Posted by harrisk at October 13, 2013 1:18 PM
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