2012 Royal Diamond Jubilee 50c
Queen Elizabeth II celebrates in 2012 sixty years since her accession to the throne in 1952. We've celebrated her silver jubilee in 1977 with a circulation 50c release and again for HM's Golden Jubilee in 2003 with a special aluminium bronze commemorative 50c and now this stunning design by our favourite Stuart Devlin graces another Aussie legal tender coin. The reverse design features St Edwards Crown worn by her majesty during her coronation ceremony. Added is also diamonds and fireworks fitting for such a milestone.
This design is issued by the Royal Australian Mint in uncirculated copper-nickel (seen above) and silver proof. The obverse is the mature portrait of QEII by Ian Rank-Broadley. The uncirculated coin minted as NCLT (not for circulation) in a collector card is issued at $9.
Posted by harrisk at March 29, 2012 12:30 PM
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