It's time again for all those on the Royal Australian Mint customer mailing list to be offered the opportunity to purchase a gold proof Kangaroo at Sunset coin. Due to its' overwhelming popularity this $25 legal tender coin is offered through a ballot system with only one opportunity per Mint customer to enter the draw. The 2012 coin, the 6th in the series, has had a sharp price increase, this year up $240 to an issue price of $650 (last years issue was $420). You'd think this was justified due to the increase in gold price over the past year but when you do the maths this increase only accounts for *$80 of value in the coin.
The price rise might make this years coin too expensive for some but with such a stunning and popular design it's a must-have for this collector. There are just 998 available to collectors, a mintage of 1,000 with 2 coins going into the Mint's own collection. To enter this ballot Mint customers must tear off the ballot form from the bottom of their order form (which arrived with the November Mint Issue), fill it in correctly making sure to tick the checkbox accepting the terms and conditions. In a separate envelope for each entry the address must include 'BALLOT' to be sure that your entry is opened in time for the closing date of Friday 25th November. You could always drop your ballot off at the Mint shop at the Mint premises if you happen to be visiting.
If you're name is drawn then you should be notified by phone in the following week or notice the charge on your credit card. Good luck everyone.
*Calculations based on Nov 2010 AUD gold price $1440, Oct 2010 AUD gold peaked at $1749, with the Kangaroo at Sunset coin made from .2oz this equates to $80 increase in bullion price.

The Kangaroo at Sunset design first sculpted by Wojciech Pietranik in 2007 before it was captured into the coin design.
Posted by harrisk at November 10, 2011 7:42 AM
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