Australia 2001 International Year of Volunteers 1 Dollar
2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer, and the Australian Government authorised the Royal Australian Mint to release a coin celebrating the event. The International Year of the Volunteer was proclaimed in November 1997 by the United Nations General Assembly. The United Nations hoped that the International Year of the Volunteer would provide a unique opportunity to highlight the achievements of millions of volunteers worldwide and encourage more people to engage in volunteer activity.
The International Year of the Volunteer dollar was a general circulation release (6 million minted) and was struck in the usual aluminium bronze material and with interrupted edge reeding. Seen above the obverse of the coin depicts the Ian Rank-Broadley portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. The reverse of the coin was sculpted by Wojciech Pietranik. It shows the International Year of the Volunteer logo with the legend International Year of the Volunteer, 2001, and One Dollar.
For accurate coin mintage data please see the 2001 Australian 1 Dollar Coin Mintages table.
Posted by mnemtsas at August 15, 2009 2:26 PM
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