Silver Bullion Prices

November 27, 2008

Silver bullion is traded 24 hours day around the world and the price fluctuates constantly. The silver bullion investors amongst us like to know what the current price is and how it is varying over time. Personally, I use Kitco for this. The prices are live, you can look at past data in numerical or graphical format, and you can view it across pretty much any time frame you like.

For those of you who dont want to look there the current silver bullion price is US$'.$silver_price.' per troy ounce (Last updated on '.$update_date.' at '.$update_time.')'; echo $string; ?>. This price is taken directly from Kitco and is updated every hour of every day. Happy silver stacking!

Posted by mnemtsas at November 27, 2008 12:45 PM
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